Multitasking: It became clear to me today that i can... - Headway


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Headshrink profile image
14 Replies

It became clear to me today that i can no longer multitask and whenever i start something i get sidetracked then lose the place. I know this is to be expected and i know to remind myself to focus on 1 thing and complete before moving on, so I have a strategy but still find it a tough adjustment recalling what i was capable of before and its so hard to reverse old patterns. Just thought id share that. Night all

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Headshrink profile image
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14 Replies
Marnie22 profile image

I share your frustration with this. It's tough. Sending a hug. Take care. 🙂🌸

cat3 profile image

It's par for the brain injury course I guess. But you do have the awareness and with more years of practice it should improve. I have some efficient days and some not so - like yesterday when I shopped whilst remembering to post letters and make phone calls ........... then today I would've burned a cake if it hadn't been for partner's intervention and I burned the chicken whilst pottering outdoors.

It feels pretty inept after a lifetime of prizewinning multitasking, but we do the best we can with the brain we have, and I say well done to us ! x

FlowerPower62 profile image
FlowerPower62 in reply to cat3

Cat, I'm not the one with the TBI, that's my husband. But I do, and have always done things like that! 😁. Especially if I go in the garden - I mean, what can you expect! I've burnt the bottom out of a couple of pans in my time. So, hope you can take comfort from that. Anne x

Pippy-longstocking profile image
Pippy-longstocking in reply to FlowerPower62

Yes, ofttimes I am told that I'm preoccupied and that it's normal. I wish they would also let me know what I'm preoccupied with - I might find my performance was better in that arena! I'm neither preoccupied or suffering stress so unless someone with insight can help, denying I have symptoms of brain injury will only hold me back.

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to FlowerPower62

To FlowerPower. My reply was to Headshrink m'love !

Painting-girl profile image

Hi H, it's horrid when we come up against something we could have tackled before, and now it's difficult /impossible. Hard to accept too.

I get the non-multitasking thing as well, unfortunately. Cooking supper was a particular nightmare for me originally, but it's improved quite a lot. Still can't play music at the same time though!

bridgeit profile image

I don't have a BI, but also struggle with multitasking these days. This could be the result of stress, health issues, relationship issues etc., because I'm beset with all of those, well, I'm managing the stress now (I think). I didn't seem to have mental agility issues before that lot kicked off a few years ago.

However, I've decided instead to regard my undoubted loss of mental gymnastic ability as another part of me getting old. I'm more comfortable with that approach. It's a bit like my eyes, skin and hair; either drying up, getting droopy or thinning out.

Seriously, I have just realized that the cup of delicious hot ginger tea I made has gotten stone cold!

Sweet dreams..... 😌

Superwoman2020 profile image

I have the same thing,thought I could focus on more than one thing at a time,my injury was 9th June 2018,now if I don’t focus on one thing at a time,I forget,and get frustrated about not doing something I had planned to do

Lduncan profile image

I'm almost 10 years down the line and I still, if I don't devote my brain concentration 100% on the task at hand get sidetracked. Worst example: walking dogs with intention of posting a letter in the village postbox which is almost right outside my front garden (letter in hand ready to post when passing postbox) I walked straight past it. No worries I thought, I'll post it on the way back. I had the letter in one hand...and a poo bag (quite full, it was a long walk) in the other...need I say more. I had to keep watch from my window for the post uplift at 4pm & rush out...try explaining that to the postman! I wish I could say it was a one off (at least I haven't posted any more dog poo) but yesterday I found a tin of tuna beside the paracetamol (which is what I was looking for in the first place) in the bathroom cabinet...oh the joys of a brain injury...the gift that just keeps on giving.

sospan profile image

There are training schemes available in most towns and cities to help cure this and you can get paid for attending.

Why is isn't there more publicity of the scheme as it sounds perfect ? It is has limited membership and to join you must be related to a family member or be a close friend of one. You may be thinking it is the Masons, round table or some other secret organisation ? Almost, your local council.

Once employed by the council the Jedi's of single tasking and slowness (Patron saint James May) will teach you move at a pace that makes Tai Chi look like break dancing. Soon all thought of multi tasking will be driven from your mind and you will see the world in a new light - grey. For those not in the know they outlawed black and white sometime ago as that seemed to be a bad influence on decision making as people would break the Council code by making a quick decision - black or white ? The person whom brought in the grey directive is being celebrated by having a road named after him. Apparently, it will be completed around 2048.

They have made several recruitment films - zombie land, dawn of the dead, the dead don't die etc. If you have managed to watch one of these you will see the well drilled staff walking at the local authority pace - 3 forward 2 back all wearing the standard office attire (for reference any mail order catalogue from the 80's) and trying to identify the person multi tasking - "brains, brains !"

All the best


Headshrink profile image

Wow. That was a popular post. Thanks All!. This morning i took an hour to change all my address details having just moved, even with PIP😱. I then spent another hour editing a book chapter although had the PIP muzak on loudspeaker simultaneously as covid affects your ability to answer the phone apparently! so i can do it a bit and im sure ill keep trying and continue having episodes of frustration but who knows maybe itll get better

haverfordwest profile image

As you say multi tasking went out the window for me 2 years ago, so frustrating. I start things and wander off, then realise later when I see it again, what I was doing. Emotions are like a yoyo sometimes I can brush it off and laugh but through the last lock down, not so easy. But, today it is sunny and people are smiling. Just been for a lovely walk trying to enjoy the peace and quiet before lockdown is lifted and they descend en masse. We are not alone feeling this but sometimes it is a struggle. This group is certainly a help to recognise the fact that we are not alone.

RainbowBrie profile image

I think it's one of the most frustrating things post tbi. I used to spin many plates as a busy working mum. Now I have to have lists, reminders on my phone and alarms. If I'm doing something like cooking and someone (usually my husband) tries to talk to me I lose motor function and drop things. I can't focus on more than one thing

Headshrink profile image

Dear all singletasking is what brain injury has prepared us all for!who knew?. I love this app by the way, and no i dont get any kickback. It summarises books into bite size chunks which is great for those seeking wisdom but with limited attention spans

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