Sunday so far. : A walk to the park. 45 minutes we... - Headway


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Sunday so far.

Froggiefrog profile image
14 Replies

A walk to the park. 45 minutes we'll worth it for my daily dose of normality. I was adamant this was a doggie day, so no trying to sort out stuff talk. "Where''s Trudie?" I've answered that 100 times in the last few days, still hard, but I answer h onestly. A shocked dog walker insisted on offering something. In accepting, I did something I probably would disapprove of, in normal times, but I know it's a cultural thing, so more about respecting that.

To morro, I have a call from thee GP booked regarding the headaches. I will find a way to deal with the ' a lot has changed in 10 days' info....somehow.

Not sure I can deal with the implications of nanny state's London fiasco, but if it puts me on the street, I will make sure the world knows.. Somehow.

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Froggiefrog profile image
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14 Replies
Painting-girl profile image

Please don't go on the streets Keith, please try to ring your local council's helpline today, and then go to the housing department as early as possible tomorrow. So sorry - wish I'd found these details earlier for you.

Have you got anyone who can find the right phone number for your council, or are you ok to do it yourself?

When you check out of your room, is there a hall or lounge area you can stay in during the rest of the day?

It must be sad telling people about Trudie.

Jen 🌸

Froggiefrog profile image
Froggiefrog in reply to Painting-girl

Thank you for your reply. Everyone I know from the park and from work is. being so helpful it is enough to bring me to tears and does.

All of the avenues mentioned are being looked after by people I know and without whom I would be in dire danger. Booking a room, finding it, even 15 mins from where I was living, would have left me bewildered without help, in my current state.

Because the practical help is coming from the dog set in the park, I am motivated to get out to see them. My days start early, but I am glad of that.

Things are very confusing right now... But I am accepting the help offered with a solemn promise to pass on every good deed, if and when I am in a position to.

Painting-girl profile image
Painting-girl in reply to Froggiefrog

It's good you have help and support - and people are kind. Plenty of time to help others in the future when you are back on your feet. Hope things go ok over the week 🌸

cat3 profile image

Take all offers of help Keith whilst you're in such dire straits. The world needs both givers and takers ....

I found that out when I was on my knees and accepted help from neighbours that I might never see again. Revisiting them years later with helpful acts was a rare pleasure.

Keep safe ...... x

Thank u for the update my friend.Wonderful to hear kindness from others in times we r in.

Froggiefrog profile image
Froggiefrog in reply to

True and when a friend is prepared to drive half way accross London to spend time with you over a coffee, it is very touching

1949liz profile image

Dearest Keith,

As I have said Please contact your housing department or the citizen advice, they will help you as you are classed as a venerable person with high dependence.I wish I could do more to help you With Love Liz xx🌹🙏

Froggiefrog profile image
Froggiefrog in reply to 1949liz

The departments you mention are already aware of the situation and I have experienced people looking out for me. My situation Could change on Friday, but I am focusing one day at a time. I will post a further update in a very short while.



1949liz profile image

Lots of Love please try to eat, sleep and keep safe Love Liz xx🌹🙏

Froggiefrog profile image
Froggiefrog in reply to 1949liz

I will, I promise.

1949liz profile image
1949liz in reply to Froggiefrog


Freckle1000 profile image

I'm so sorry you're going through such a horrific time right now. As bad as it is now - just remember, one day it will all just be a very bad memory and things will be OK - or possibly even better than they were.

I went through a patch of semi homelessness when I was younger - living on and off in hostels etc. It's not as bad, loud or as chaotic as it sounds once you find a stable place. I felt the comeradery that only vaulnerable people can understand.

Nonetheless - I can't imagine a wealthy western country, right at this moment in history - where someone with you're level of illness and disability would be left without a roof over their head ??!?

( I'm from - Victoria, Australia ) we've just been through a five month lock down and given the closed borders and no tourists - hotels were opened up for people with nowhere to go. If you're government has any common sense they would subsidise the same scheme ?

I did also notice that as the lock down progressed the prices of hotel rooms, air B&Bs etc. plummeted. Having someone disabled - (as apposed to addicted) in there at a small rate would better than nothing for them. It might be something to research ?

Today I visited an Aunt who's in the early stages of dementia alone in her house. She has no friends - and her children aren't terribly bothered about helping her. It's the kind of scene that you only see in social workers manuals.

All I can say is I'm glad you've got friends and a support network around you.

Also hoping you're GP who will help too.

Go easy on yourself. NONE of this is you're fault, and there's no shame in it - or accepting help. I hope you're able to nurture yourself - at least a little right now.

Sending you a very large virtual hug from the other side of the world.

Froggiefrog profile image
Froggiefrog in reply to Freckle1000

Thank you for your lovely message. Having people looking out for me does make the " Where the (insert your own) am I? episodes a bit less scary, but scary nevertheless. Again, I know there are plenty worse off than I and without the glimmer of temporary safety that may or may not materialise. I feel like sleeping, but won't once morning has broken, as I need the distraction of a purpose... Even if it is just playing with dogs in the park from 0730.

Freckle1000 profile image
Freckle1000 in reply to Froggiefrog

Where the ' flip ' or where the flying fruitloop - or fig. Exactly. It is scary there's no doubt about it.

But consider the traumas you've already been through. It's a different shaped trauma for sure, but you're smart, insightful and you're strong.

Not what you're looking for?

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