Hi all, I sue to return to work soon. My boss has informed me that they will have to tell everyone at work why I have been off, does anyone know weather they have to?? I could understand if they thought I was a risk but all I do is clean office. Thanks
Advice : Hi all, I sue to return to work soon. My... - Headway

Sorry all about spelling mistake, etc
I don't know of any reason why they would have to tell anyone why you have been off. If they are taking about a health a d safety issue, they can sort that out without explaining why you were off. If they need to make reasonable adjustments they can do that too. They can let people know you need support or can't do certain things etc without saying why.
I do understand that it's your personal business, but is there a particular reason you don't want people to know?
Hi, under the Human Rights Act it is classed as a breach of privacy, if you have specifically asked that the reason for your sick leave be kept private then no your employer cannot and should not tell everyone at work. The only people that need to know is HR.
An employer would be breaching confidentiality regulations by disclosing health or other personal details of an employee. There are no circumstances which would justify your private matters being treated as anything other than private. x
I think this would be a breach of the Data Protection Act, some info here in respect of ME.
I think I have read on the disability rights website has info about work and disability , I am sorry I don't have the link, I think it says it is your decision who knows at work , and it is confidential unless you say you want people to know.
Also Scope or CAB national telephone helplines could look advise you and perhaps send an email explaining, that you could show your employer, that your medical condition is confidential.
Definitely not, your employer has no right whatsoever to disclose anything about why you were off, breach of contract, it’s private & confidential x
I know that there is a consensus of confidentiality with regards to your personal health information.
There is a caviat to that, your employer has a duty of care to you and others, and if there is are reasonable adjustments put in place, as part of health and safety, then in discussion with you then some disclosure maybe required, also where professional registration is required, like health care, then if a level of supervision is required, then the reason maybe of benefit. But any disclosure must be absolutely necessary, and be with your prior knowledge.
In cases like this, that I have witnessed, then usually the individual makes the disclosure e.g. in a community team, an O.T. developed epilepsy, therefore could not make solo visits, as part of the morning briefing, the O.T. made the disclosure, and the manager explained that adjustments.