Brain waves and Binaural beats: Has anyone... - Headway


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Brain waves and Binaural beats

Feebie8 profile image
30 Replies

Has anyone experience of using binaural beats to ease brain noise and symptoms of anxiety and/or depression? Or for help getting into a meditative state? Or for help getting to sleep? Or for any other reason?

I started listening to Alpha, Theta and Delta waves last week to help keep me in a more peaceful state and stay less "activated" when at work and I do believe it has been helpful.

I copied what's below from

What health benefits are binaural beats claimed to have?

Binaural beats are claimed to induce the same mental state associated with a meditation practice, but much more quickly. In effect, binaural beats are said to:

• reduce anxiety

• increase focus and concentration

• lower stress

• increase relaxation

• foster positive moods

• promote creativity

• help manage pain

I think I'll stay on this for a while! Along with mindful breathing and meditation who knows... maybe I'll be able to switch my brain off when I want to 🤷‍♀️

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Feebie8 profile image
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30 Replies
pinkvision profile image

Yep, in association with mindfulness, it relaxes you and brings you back to your basic self. So simple so effective. There is quite a lot of science behind this under the effects of resonance.

Feebie8 profile image
Feebie8 in reply to pinkvision

I am a complete believer! I'm just out of vision therapy where I got new exercises and pushed myself to hopping without something to secure my balance at either side. When I came out my chest felt like there was a lead block in it, I couldn't breathe properly and my brain was "monkey minding" it all over the show, I stick on 7mins of Alpha waves walking to the train station and I'm back to peaceful belly breathing with no lead chest and no more monkey mind what seems like almost instantly.

Gee whizz! There is a distinct benefit in this. Have you used it just with mindfulness or in a naturally over stimulating environment where you would struggle with an increase in symptoms? Like supermarkets etc I wonder do the benefits differ depending on the activity you might be doing ...

pinkvision profile image
pinkvision in reply to Feebie8

As of yet only in the house when unwinding and with mindfulness, in the bath is great until you realise that the water is now cold.

Feebie8 profile image
Feebie8 in reply to pinkvision

😂 I'll keep that in mind!! I think I'll give it a go where I believe it might help me but not so much as to use it as a crutch 🤔 hey, what's the worst that can happen?!

pinkvision profile image
pinkvision in reply to Feebie8

Cold bath water

Feebie8 profile image
Feebie8 in reply to pinkvision


Kirk5w7 profile image

Hi I used an app to help with sleep and just trying to get my brain working normally again.

I found them very useful, they helped with sleep and relaxation mainly.

Id forgotten all about it gem, thank you i’ll pop back to that app now and see what else i can get help with


Feebie8 profile image
Feebie8 in reply to Kirk5w7

Hi Janet 🤗

That's great. I think I have found something that will be really useful for me too. From my little experience I am sold!

Did it help with getting you over to sleep or keeping you in sleep? I find I can get over to sleep but wake up a couple of hours later like I've just drank a bucket of coffee 😳🙄

Kirk5w7 profile image
Kirk5w7 in reply to Feebie8

It helped me relax into sleep, I havent really had a problem staying asleep. If i do wake and cant drop off again, i make a cup of tea and spend half an hour or an hour writing in my journal, that usually does the trick.


Feebie8 profile image
Feebie8 in reply to Kirk5w7

It never occurred to me to get up 🤔 I just struggle on trying to get back to sleep 🙄 some things that are so obvious I easily miss 😂

FlowerPower62 profile image

Sounds good! I might try that for myself, never mind my husband!

FlowerPower62 profile image

I love this site. I've got so many ideas from such lovely people. Can just ask, how do you get the sounds? Is there an app, do you have to download them, or what? Thanks. x

Feebie8 profile image
Feebie8 in reply to FlowerPower62

I found an app on my android app store called BrainAural they have tones separated into Alpha, Delta etc with a small description of the intent for the wave and also preset waves for sleep, healing creativity etc. It's free with unobtrusive ads, so far so good 😊 enjoy 🤞🤞

FlowerPower62 profile image
FlowerPower62 in reply to Feebie8

Thank you x

in reply to FlowerPower62

or youtube or sound cloud..........

Hi Feebie8........yes, i love it, been doing it way before my brain injury though.

But i never thought id be using it to help with that later in life.

but yeah i don't watch TV (coz it kills you) and my brain cannot cope with the movement. I always listen to music and vibrations, always have done since a child.

Good vibrations are what we need, try tuning forks, they're expensive too buy but can heal the body..................

Feebie8 profile image
Feebie8 in reply to

Thank you! I just got really excited cause I can 'see' myself looking at the links you posted...maybe not today though...I've been unable to do my own research cause it's too much for my brain 🤗

Squeee!! I am finding the waves really useful and definitely contributing to the smile on my face and peacefulness that I am finding. Over time are you able to tune into the different waves yourself without listening to them or is it always gonna be headphones in? I'd love to be able to switch them on in my brain when I'm getting overwhelmed in work...

in reply to Feebie8


i use a jaws harp (jews harp) for that........its very small-fits in your bag easily, i use it at night before sleeping :)

i stick it in my bag and use it when i need it, you can get different versions and i have a collection of them for different vibes!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not sure where you live in the world - but you can also do GONG BATHS, which is sound vibration, i do it-so i know it works, but thats only a few hours a month, and i wish i could walk around with the sound of that everyday.....

yes, research can be difficult - too much on the screen for the brain to take in RIGHT!!

Eyes like rolling marbles....

the meditation music that you found - record it on your iPhone or iPod, or mobile phone and take that to work so you can listen to it or get out that 'jews harp' and start shindigging(celebrating/partyn) in the office - you got 1 life girl......shindigging in the office is a must for SANITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yes you can train the brain, its meditation darling......... and yes, the vibrations and sound waves will eventually be part of you as they are part of you, its the sound of life!!!!!!

Feebie8 profile image
Feebie8 in reply to

😂😂 I think the folk in work think I've lost the plot as it is, popping out the old Jews Harp and dancing around the place might push them over the edge with me 🥳😝😂

Flip n eck I just watched a TEDx video on the jaws harp and it sounds awesome! I imagine understanding how it works with the body would be like the primitive reflexes I am learning again, knowing that you have to do "this" to make "that" work kind of thing 🤔 that's awesome. The gong bath made me feel stomach started getting the anxiety tingles...would take a bit to get used to it 🙏

in reply to Feebie8


play this track to them - that.ll finish them off.....

in reply to

in reply to Feebie8

each bath is different to the last - it works on the parts of the body that it needs to at the time----so if you felt funny-thats a good thing----let go!!!!!!!!!!!

go back and do it regularly - it took me 6 to get fully connected to it, but i was hooked on the first vibration......

sorry to come across as a GONG PUSHER......but im happy to hear what you said - it tells me its working on you-i know it!!!!!

in reply to Feebie8

oh, its the 2russians i think on ted x - yes, i know which video your talking about.... i wanted to say i think we all aim to get that comfort without the headphones and to find relief just for 1 second....... im tryn to step away from all technology really, none of it helps per say - ive just decided to upgrade the brain instead of trying to get my old one back-its never going to happen........ its meditation and transcendental living forever....... Love Vibration'

in reply to Feebie8

in reply to Feebie8

p.s.... its a form of hypnosis - ESP - CBT - re programming - NLP - all in vibration form.

This is within you and every living existence here and beyond, just think Mandala!!

NOTE............. TV works on similar hertz, waves, form, frequencies, i think it takes 20mins to be hypnotised by the 1st time you watch tv - then anytime after that-watching tv takes a matter of seconds to fall into that hypnotic trance - as you have already been hypnotised and re-programmed, its compartmentalised for when its needed........

its important to be aware of whats entering the mind/brain when in hypnotic state-so safety first!!!!! SWITCH OFF THE TELLY! think it began with RADIO!!! hmmmmmm

Kavib profile image

I do meditation, breathing expertises and if I need more help to sleep the meditation sounds. X

Feebie8 profile image
Feebie8 in reply to Kavib

It's amazing to me just how much centring myself has helped. I don't understand it but I think I'm starting to love it 🤗

Kavib profile image
Kavib in reply to Feebie8

Please check out my website where I usually add info to help :

FlowerPower62 profile image

Thanks for all this everyone. A lot to take in, but I'll get on it! Much appreciated. X

dark-angel-79 profile image

had a disk given to me years ago called brainwaves mind voyage, goes through around 7 different fruqenices helped a lot but no long have the disk nor seen it around anywhere.

but sound therapy has been used for millenium. music, aboriginal types, drums trumpets etc as you are probably aware. though also in warfare, think aztec death whistle - a reprise for this apparnenty used as a tortured .

White / Brown / Pink noise, you can make these yourself with a program called Audicity to create white noise which there has been used as torture, but has recentl been looked into for brain injurys as a way to aid memorys but not experianced that myself.

Hope this helps.

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