Can't sleep : Hi everyone, I have went from one... - Headway


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Can't sleep

Shalala72 profile image
•11 Replies

Hi everyone, I have went from one extreme to the other . From doing nothing and sleeping around the clock to doing more and feeling tired and can't sleep 😫. It's very strange indeed ! Has anyone else experienced this ?

Thanks, sharon x

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Shalala72 profile image
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11 Replies


cat3 profile image

Yes Sharon ! But the answer is there in your question.....'Extreme'.

It's tempting to go with your body's natural inclinations. I also have a manic attitude to life and, like you, will sleep excessively when allowed then suddenly burst into action when some idea or purpose strikes ; then keep going 'til I'm exhausted.

I know the key to a healthy existence is maintaining structure, but that's not easy with a dodgy brain, and many of us struggle with routine and self discipline. I do try to have a plan in my head, before bedtime, of things to do the following day.

Trouble with plans is......if they're something appealing or urgent it's relatively easy to get moving, but with chores and other same-old stuff it's easier-still to roll over.

But I avoid berating myself during the deepest/darkest winter months as I know I'll compensate at the first signs of spring by working in the garden, which always kicks starts momentum for other stuff in the lighter days ahead..

It's easy to lose purpose when kids have moved on and there isn't the discipline of 9 to 5, but I made a pact with myself soon after the Bi that I'd walk every day, come rain-come shine for at least half an hour. That keeps me in touch with the 'real' world and keeps the hermit mentality at bay.

Not the most helpful or informative reply I know Sharon, but it can be reassuring knowing there are others just like you ! You've had a lot of trauma in less than a year and probably needing more convalescence so don't beat yourself up. And start feeling proud of what you can do.

I do cheat on the sleeping issue with a sedative, taken early enough to avoid a hang over. But when my mind's overloaded I can easily go 48hours without sleep.

Do what you can manage and ->😜to the rest ! xx

Fortunately my Vizslas are always up for cuddle day or night. Shame I can down at 04:00 and they were huddled together in their bed, I forgot to leave the heating on for them as they feel the cold.

Froggiefrog profile image
Froggiefrog in reply to

Trudie the French Bulldog has played a huge part in my rather tediously slow recovery from VP shunt revision and subsequent filleting surgery. Aside from watching me like a hawk and snuggling down with me on the sofa bed, so 'Mamma' can get some sleep, she has ensured I get out daily, helped with my compromised ability to complete tasks, like making sure she gets fed and given me a responsibility and focus I would have been seriously worse off without. Yes, to some they will always be 'just a dog', but people are entitled to their opinion, even one I don't share.

My partner normally takes Trudie to work, but she has been with me at home during the day since June. Walking Trudie has also ensured I have conversations with the dog set in the park that do not simply revolve around me and my dramas...She's far more interesting, after all.

cat3 profile image

Beautiful pooches Vizslas. Pets ensure we can't stay under the radar for long and are often the most loving and sensitive companions.... Take care Sharon. x

in reply to cat3

Yes they are known as Velcro dogs, both of them are under a year old. I am forced to get out every day with them.

Where I live my neighbours would not notice if there was a problem. One side does not speak, other side are too far away and across the road is 95.

The postman has a key but seldom opens the door for large parcels as the mail box is at the gates.

I actually fell over yesterday and no one to help but me, I stepped backwards and found a step, too isolated sometimes.

I seldom see people when on the beach and it is only the dogs that keep me going.

Just cannot sleep properly and keep thinking about sorting my will, it is not depression just a few warning signs as there is a lot of hidden pain, but I keep going for the dogs 😆

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to

It's a tricky one. I live in a suburban road where nearby neighbours look out for each other, but without imposing, yet last year one of our star neighbours (lovely, funny, intelligent guy who lived alone) was found dead in his home after folks next door noticed washing left out and lights left on.

And one of my best friends, aged 50, laid dead in his flat in a busy, friendly area for several days before his sister raised the alarm. So I don't think location is the be-all & end-all of safety.

My pal was preparing to return to Harrogate, 70 miles away, the night of my SAH but changed his mind at the last minute saying he'd leave early next morning. Had he not kicked my bedroom door in when he heard me fall, and called paramedics, I would've died according to the neuro team.

But rather than feeling apprehensive I'm pretty fatalistic now about living alone. Can I ask whereabouts you are Minty, and do you carry a mobile phone with you ? x

Mrspepperpot1 profile image

Hi, before I had my AN, I had trouble sleeping and anxiety for years. I’m on no medication now, stopped it slowly myself....... I collapsed and had a seizure on my kitchen floor. I was unconscious for a few minutes, luckily my daughters were in and called the Paramedics. I don’t drink alcohol or smoke at all.


I was take to hosp. Was being sick, more

Seizures... in a&e..... I’m glad I was there as I had all my scans done, keep in for 5 days.

MRI showed I had a benign tumour. Which

I have to have removed....But I haven’t had panic attacks, or anxiety to the extend I had it

It’s mad as I can sleep for hours now!

Would just lie there in bed, wide awake.

Strange x

in reply to Mrspepperpot1

I unfortunately had to get up as one of the dogs were asking to go out. Wow how I appreciate my cottage, you can hear the odd cow at night and the wild ponies as they often wander down the road.

Just wondering if I should light the fire or leave it to electricity as I have a dual fuel system.

thinking about when my internet went off as there is no cell phone signal here and I connect via surecall from Vodafone. Sometimes it is great to be in the country but if you are unwell and need help it is 38 miles round d trip for an ambulance, £68 for a taxi to town one way.

Would I rather live in a city ?

sospan profile image

Over the last year, I have reverted back to my bad habits - going to bed at 1-2 am and being awake at 6:30. I know the reasons - physical injury, lack of exercise and continual background stress.

For many, many years, I worked in that physical and mental state and it does eventually lead to health problems.

The extremes of sleep are not unusual and vary tremendously person and person and indeed after injury where you can go from sleepy all the time to not "needing" sleep at all. However, as you probably know, sleep is a vital component to our health.

One tip a specialist gave me was to do the most exercise in the afternoon for around 90 mins. So this would be a good time to take the dogs out.

Me I have a huge Mastiff, sadly too injured at the moment to walk him but hopefully will be literally back on my feet soon

Pairofboots profile image

I had a period of nine months where sleep was practically non-existent, I only had the odd cat-nap. I did end up fairly manic. I was referred to guy's sleep clinic. The night of the study, I slept like a babe, first time. They prescribed pregabalin, which helped restore a relitively normal sleep pattern. Then the GP had other ideas and reduced the dosage, this had quite a catastrophic effect, so Neuro-Psych added in more meds at night, now I sleep but unnaturally, like a switch being turned off.

Something to consider is perhaps the effect of other meds you maybe on, have a chat with the pharmacist, some that the GP may prescribe for a certain time maybe better taken at a different time.

The rewired brain sometimes doesn't act in the expected manner. Good luck.

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