Maybe cause I have my first speech therapy session in the morning. Anyone awake?
Exhausted but can't sleep: Maybe cause I have my... - Headway
Exhausted but can't sleep

Hi Marzi, yeah I'm awake. I find it's the most depressing thing to happen. Waking too early, because it makes the day longer. I've been awake since just before 4 -00 and didn't get to sleep till after 12-00. I have some sleeping tablets, but they're not for all the time. Only when needed. I'm taking one tonight for certain. I had to really push to get them, but got them in the end. At least asking can't do any harm. Dave
Yes it was after 2am when finally dropped off and 7am I am awake also. Though for me not sleeping means another day wrote off. I still sleep loads so don't think I need tablets maybe some to stay awake lol xx
Hi again. When I finally got got them issued it was by a psychologist because I hadn't slept for 4 days solid he also gave me some antidepressants. I was literally walking like a zombie. Take care. x
Hi Marzy, how did speech therapy go ? Angela x
Speech therapy was fab she is part of the brain injury team and was lovely. I thought it was to help with my Word finding problems but it was so much more. I struggle with noise and with conversations with more than one person. Also lots of questions is hard. Basically lots of communication probs but she is going to help me with all of them. Though sorry I am am unable to recall how we are going to do this. Just chuffed she understood my world. Its so very different in my head lol so much easier when someone understands especially when your still trying to understand yourself. Hope this makes sense. Bit knackered even with a couple of naps.
My partner went to speech therapy after his stroke ( made his speech slurred and affected his swallowing ). She was lovely and helped enormously with both issues.
He was given ' Homework' ! - worksheets to practice. I remember sitting with him practising the letter sounds and tongue twisters - we had a lot of fun and he reached a really high standard : ) Sounds like you had a great experience x