Looking at the world the other way round - Headway


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Looking at the world the other way round

sospan profile image
7 Replies

I am shortly coming up to my 8 th year post injury and plowing on as best as I can.

At Easter this year we were deliberately rammed by another vehicle and amongst the injuries we received, my wife had another concussion - the third in as many years. We all know what comes next, the memory issues cognitive problems etc.

She had a GP's appointment last night to deal with some of the other injuries and I mentioned about the post concussion symptoms having lasted over six months now.

So after a brief chat about the symptoms the GP asked 3 questions out of the AMTS (Abbreviated Mental Test Score) Do you know where you are ? Do you know what day of the week it is ? Who is the Prime minister ? Which she obviously answered easily. The GP's response - no evidence of memory problems ...

It is quite interesting to think, I sat in a similar position eight years ago and went through the same ridiculous tests that only pick up the most desperate of cases. His next port of call was Hormones ! Because my wife is of "a certain age" do we think it may be down to menopause. The look my wife gave me must have been similar to the one I gave her 8 years ago, when I was sat there with two black eyes and asked me if my concussion symptoms were a mid life crisis because my HI happened 10 days after my 50th birthday !

Quite strange isn't it - Hospitalised three times in three years with concussion, then you report post concussion like symptoms and the GP's think anything other than concussion. Whilst I am the first to admit concussion symptoms are very similar to those of other causes, it really is down to the duck test - If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then probably it is a duck !

Quite ironic when you think that doctors used to be called "quacks"

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sospan profile image
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7 Replies
RecoveringH profile image

It is my experience the GPs are all very tired and look for every avenue not to treat, as you say NHS is there for the most desperate of cases. No wonder so many sue the NHS. And many of them win or settle too, apparently. The country expect so much from the GP, they cut their budgets but expect a better service! Something has to give, and it is the vulnerable, or those who don't speak up.

Congrats on your 8 years, perhaps paint your car luminous yellow to avoid further collisions? How unlucky to have 3. Hope you and your wife find a peace in walking : )

Best Wishes Sospan.

sospan profile image
sospan in reply to RecoveringH

When we saw the GP it was six o'clock in the evening and he had been there since 8:30. The sad thing is he has retired twice but had to come back because of the GP shortage.

Unlucky (or is it lucky because we are still here) is not the word because after I posted this, my wife was standing by an entrance and van reversed into her back.

RecoveringH profile image
RecoveringH in reply to sospan

Oh my goodness! I hope she hammered on the van with tight fists and a good amount of force to make her presence known. Yes I'll go with your lucky to be here comment!

Have a gentle and safe weekend Sospan : )

cat3 profile image

Hi Sos. Sorry to hear of your wife's PCS and the struggle getting an official diagnosis.

I'm also coming up to the 8 year post-Bi mark in Dec., but still, like your wife, have a problem disentangling hormone issues from Bi symptoms. To be fair, it's a minefield with symptoms resembling each other, especially when MRIs & blood tests won't reveal anything.

I do IQ tests online from time to time and usually come out as above average ; it's reassuring. Why doctors can't do the same is anyone's guess ; mine allow 6 mins per appointment but, looking on line for available slots....(over 15 docs at my practice) they appear to have only part time hours and it's a 2-3 week wait for an appt.

Maybe a suit of armour for your lady this Christmas ? Best wishes to you both.... Love Cat x

sealiphone profile image
sealiphone in reply to cat3

I've been given an IO test, which is totally inappropriate, I was scored above average and declared 'nothing wrong'.

The appropriate test were done over a 12 week period, with each one looking to identify a particular dysfunction. This is the ideal scenario, as a second test isn't effected by fatigue or the symptoms triggered by the previous test. Each test took around 30 minutes.

My test results ranged between abnormal and above average, with above average having a correlation to a IQ score of around 120

Lynd profile image

I have had a GP openly admit to me that as a carer of my Husband I knew more about brain injury than she did.

I felt quite dismayed at that statement.

There is so little support out there.

sospan profile image
sospan in reply to Lynd

I have never understood why that is, since cavemen wandered round with clubs on "date night" people have been having head injuries.

Yet, have a head injury - little support. Type 2 diabetes lots, give up smoking - endless support and incentives. Even if you want to transition between genders plenty of counselling and advice but PTSD after a head injury

There is House of Commons debate on Head injuries this week but I doubt if it will make a difference

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