I have had a concussion for 4 months now, it happened when I was on holiday in Spain and I fell back on to concrete and hit the back of my head it took 10 days for the symptoms to show and ever since I have been getting headaches and when I try to exercise I get light heads I do boxing and now I can't even train I think I have post concussion syndrome, also can someone help and tell me will this ever go away and I can return to my normal daily life.
Concussion : I have had a concussion for 4 months... - Headway

Hi Ervine. Please Google 'Post Concussion Syndrome' and select the Headway site, as everything you need to know is there. (Tried to copy the link but it wasn't active).
For any further support you can phone the Headway helpline on 0808 800 2244 (free calls - office hours).
And we're always here if you just need to chat or offload ! Cat x

Hi Ervine,
Here's the link Cat mentioned headway.org.uk/about-brain-...
There's a lot of information on there, with further links to download our booklet on the subject.
After concussion recovery can take some time, and we certainly suggest you avoid any further blows to the head as this can lead to a more serious injury.
As Cat says, please do get in touch with our helpline if you'd like to discuss things further.
Best wishes,
Hi Ervine,
I suffered concussion in December last year and still having symptoms to this day. I too have post concussion. It sometimes feels like it will never go away, but it will, it just takes time.
I am back at work full time now which is amazing, and leading a fairly normal life as before, just with headaches! I see an acupuncturist weekly, something I myself highly recommend!
Please try and remain positive, as it will get better xx
Hi Lynsey, what symptoms do you still have? It's so frustrating and upsetting at times isn't it!! I keep thinking I'm 100% better but then I still get symptoms back if I've over done it.
I fell down 15 stone stairs in November and got diagnosed with PCS.
Most days is ok and now I only get symptoms when I've overdone it or done something different. Evelyn I know it's hard to imagine but you will feel better with time. At first I couldn't even walk to the end of the road without needing to sleep (previously ran marathons), would forget every other word and even had to google how to use the toilet 😂 but so much better now and back to work.
Just take your time and don't put yourself under too much pressure. I went back to work too early and that actually does you worse so just take your time. Xx
It's always been physical symptoms like headaches, nausea, dizziness, insomnia. I have had no cognitive symptoms like memory etc thank goodness!! Now I just have headaches, sore eyes and get tired easily.
You poor thing!!!!!!! That sounds excruciating!! I slipped on a bath mat and hit my face in bath taps, so much less gruesome than yours
How have you managed to recover so quickly? I'm still going through it and have tried everything (to my knowledge) now I'm relying on time to heal completely. Craziest thing to happen to me, totally changed my life at present, I'm only 24!!
How quickly did you go back to work? I had 5 months off.
Positive mindset always helps. frustrating, as others cannot physically see our problem, we present well, but it's a total different story inside our heads xxx
I completely agree with the positive mindset! Yes people react in different ways. People can't see so they often forget you have any problems and i always think I don't wanna be that person talking about it all the time (however friends would tell me off for keeping it in). Yes I too find it so frustrating that you have to keep explaining it all the time.
Oh wow yours sounds very very painful and must have been hard to go back into that bathroom again! I imagine it's changed a lot about your life but you'll be a stronger 24 year old getting through it all at the end. 😊 I'm a big older 31 and took 2 months off work but I work in psychology so they have been really understanding and helpful.
I got recommended this CBT self help book for PCS which I found useful. It gives you tips dependant on your symptoms but the main thing I've worked on is just to be a bit more compassionate to myself and to not have the expectations of my before self now. Most things/articles say we will get there thou! Xx
I am the same! Don't want to be moaning about it all the time lol! I said to a friend 'I've got a headache' and they were shocked as they thought I'd recovered completely as I don't moan 24/7. I feel like a very old 24 year old, most nights spent indoors, haven't been able to enjoy myself like I did before
My accident happened whilst at work in a clients bathroom.
Where did you get the CBT book from? Have you tried acupuncture? It has worked wonders for me, best thing I have done since the accident.
I do believe it will get better in time xx
Hey Lynsey sorry it's taken me so long to reply ... had a bit of a rough week! No never tried acupuncture but would be willing to try. Where on your body do you get it/what does it help with?
The book is by Nigel king and it's called overcoming mild brain injury and post concussion symptoms. Or something similar. I can only speak for me but I found it helpful.
Nothing wrong with staying in ... anyway who says how a 24 year old should be 😉
Hi Lindsey-s,
Today is the first time I saw this forum here and it is very comforting to hear stories that I relate to. I had a concussion about a month ago and of course still have symptoms like intermittent headaches, some dizziness/ unsteadiness and some cervical pain. I am trying my best to remain active and positive and you should too. Have not come back to work yet because my work is very physically demanding. Let's encourage one another. We know how hard it is. And yes, very rarely can someone not impacted by this understand this.
I would seek some professional medical advice to make sure all has been checked.
i suggest you to listen to Jane mcgonig ted lecture 2012 ,it's about.
Behjoo, thank you for your tip about TED talks. I've now listened to David Camarillo's talk about his work to reduce the risk of concussion in sport, which has reassured me that it probably didn't make a difference that I wasn't wearing a helmet when I came off my bike and got concussed (people do tend to ask me if I was wearing a helmet and tick me off when I say I wasn't}.
I'm going to return to the TED website another day to listen to Jane McGonigal's talk about the gaming software she develope,. "SuperBette"r, to help herself get over a concussion. It sounds really interesting. Thanks!