A big shout out for the legal ombudsman. - Headway


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A big shout out for the legal ombudsman.

5 Replies

Have been in a battle since February with my own legal team. I did'nt think they were representing me properly at all. It's a bit complicated and twisty but basically after 2 neurology reports which I refused to sign because they were clearly made up and fabricated my legal firm gave me an ultimatum to sign or get another solicitor.

It turns out these reports are based on my medical records and the opinion of the neurologists. (they should start writing fairy tales).

Up to this point I had not been assessed by the NHS so there was no reference to my condition other than that of head injury and concussion from the initial hospital report in my medical records.

It all turned a bit nasty and a bit of a slanging match (BI is great for having a ranting argument) Anyway it was really bad but I was adamant that I was in the right and made a complaint to the legal ombudsman. Then my referrals to the NHS neurology unit came and was totally different to the neurology reports that had been done. Then I was assessed for cognitive problems that clearly showed a number of problems. I had also payed privately for vision problems that were diagnosed.

I sent these assessment results to my legal firm asking them to complain to the medical legal firm about the initial reports. My legal firm refused and said that they did'nt care what NHS assessments said. I also asked if they could appoint a specialist solicitor to deal with the case or appoint an advocat to deal with this case for me. (my neuro-psychologist advised that I was not capable of processing formal information for legal purposes etc) They refused to do anything about the case from that point on. I made another complaint to the legal ombudsman.

Anyway this week the complaint to the legal ombudsman was assessed and was moved to the investigation stage. My legal team had been informed before I had however the legal ombudsman advised me to try and resolve the issues with the legal firm. I phoned my legal team and HEY PRESTO all the issues of complaint fell like a line of dominoes. Everything that I had problems with had been sorted out and the case has moved on to the next stage.

I spoke to the investigator from the legal ombudsman today and explained what had happened and she said 'Funny that! that always seems to happen once we get involved.' Then she said that the complaint will remain open until I'm happy that the legal firm is behaving properly.

THANKYOU LEGAL OMBUDSMAN. I highly recommend using them if you have issues with your legal team.

5 Replies
Nackapan profile image

Good for you. Shouldn't have to be such a battle though

1949liz profile image

What an amazing and an incredible account of your legal history and your justification to carry on is inspirational. You have helped me so much. Liz x🌹

in reply to 1949liz

Hi thanks, you just have to keep going, don't give in to blackmail, threats and ultimatums. I also took full advantage of the 'free advice' from law firms wanting me to switch my claim to them. One really nice solicitor told me exactly how to solve some of the issues I was having with my legal team. I thanked her so much that she became emotional and a bit overwhelmed herself. I think I found a solicitor with real human feelings in her.

Keep going yourself and ask for help if you need it, I have learned so much from this process.

Seems like more corruption in the UK. This country is run and founded on corruption and more than that we have so many imbeciles in jobs which they should never in a million years be doing. Solicitors who have no clue who only see what they want and an NHS where finding someone who will admit responsibility seems impossible. I'm over the moon you seem to be making headway in you quest for fairness.

in reply to

Hi yes it does feel a bit corrupt in certain areas especially with 'medical expert' reports. I searched online to find out what one of my experts was and expert in. I found that he did not work in the medical profession but had a web page detailing his work for a number of insurance companies. Apparently these are experts representing 'The ministry of justice' and are independent. How can an independent expert representing the MOJ be on the payroll of insurance companies. It's bonkers.

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