Dear Headway,
I attend Headway Essex, following Brain Damage, caused by Vasculitis. This also damaged my Heart and, more severely, my Kidneys. I had a Kidney transplant, in July 2013, after four years on Dialysis- three times a week.
I attend Headway Essex, twice a week- Tuesdays & Thursdays. Tuesdays, the Group Splits, with The most Wheelchair Bond attenders going to 'Bounce-ability'. This is a Trampoline Based exercise group, aimed at improving general Mobility, and Muscle strength. On a Trampoline a Body is, if laying flat, effectively Weightless allowing a 'Good Number', of exercise to be carried out. The Difference can be quite 'Staggering', with the Person able to Hold Their Head Up- something a LOT of Wheelchair users find Difficult. Often, particularly with regular sessions, the Persons whole 'Body Strength' is improved.
Our Group also do an exercise Class but more 'Movement Based', mostly Standing- with one, or two exceptions. Some physical Strength, is attained, along with Stamina, Balance and Co-Ordination. We use variously Weights, both Hand and Leg, Thera Bands, a Floor Ladder (used to walk through, whist doing 'Movements), along with Exercise Balls and so on. We Also include Walking/ Marching on the spot, Stretches, before and after, along with Ham String, Leg, Neck, Arm and Back Stretches.
In the afternoon we have Quizzes, Games, Creative Writing, Call My Bluff- both playing AND Making (a VERY interesting Activity). To mention a few, of the, Possibilities.
On Thursdays the Group Splits again, most 'Do' Adult Education- on an Almost One To One basis, if needed. We have a Good Number of, fully trained, Volunteers who facilitate this. Our Group have a Number of, not necessarily, Education based activities. We have Visited a Fair number, by now, of Local Cafe's, Shops and 'Attractions'- which sounds like just endless fun....However there IS a 'Serious Side'. We have, and are, compiling a List of the Dis-abled Access, along with, Ease of use- for Wheelchairs, Walkers, and those who's Speech might not be Clear. Equally important are Toilet, and Changing, facilities- for ADULTS, as well as children. (Trust me, if someone in a Wheel Chair NEEDS a toilet- or, worse still, has Soiled him/her self....)
Again, in the Afternoon various 'Activities' are Arranged, often a Little More 'academic' than Tuesdays. Perhaps 'Talks' by the Police, RNRI, PAT Dogs and the like, along with periodic 'Getting To Know You' sessions, aimed primarily, at New attenders. Currently, in August, the end of our 'Academic Year' we are ALL involved in, more Social Based activities. Film Shows, Bar-B-Ques, outside Games and the like.
I have been a Member, of Vasculitis UK, and 'Health Unlocked'- along with other Forums- for some time now. I honestly, didn't know, that Headway had a Presence here- until you were recently Mentioned.
I'd Love to hear, from you, and learn more about your 'Forum' too.
Kind Regards