In Leeds, even though I was unable to work for similar reasons to a great deal of you, having been on incapacity benefit, I had an assessment, asking if I could stand up / sit down, hold my hands in the air, all the pointless tasks appropriate to someone with a physical didsibility, but not mantal health.
As most of U kno, U end up with no points because our disibility isn't physical, it is mental and this isn't taken into accoumt.
When I moved down from Leeds to Surrey I saw my Dr and there just happened to be a mental health specialist in the surgery. She sorted things so they realised that my disibility was valid & I was given £4500 in back pay.
I had a new assesment a year later, because I supposedly didn't send back a form stating that my situation hadn't changed, I had another assessment that takes no consideration to mental health & I got 0 points, like so many of u & my higher rate of ESA was stopped again.
Unfortunately this specialist has left the surgery & I've gone back down to the lower rate.
Obviously they know I / we deserve the higher rate so I was hoping someone does receive the higher rate & could tell me / everyone how they managed to get it ???