Who has received there higher component of ESA ??? - Headway


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Who has received there higher component of ESA ???

StaceM8 profile image
11 Replies

In Leeds, even though I was unable to work for similar reasons to a great deal of you, having been on incapacity benefit, I had an assessment, asking if I could stand up / sit down, hold my hands in the air, all the pointless tasks appropriate to someone with a physical didsibility, but not mantal health.

As most of U kno, U end up with no points because our disibility isn't physical, it is mental and this isn't taken into accoumt.


When I moved down from Leeds to Surrey I saw my Dr and there just happened to be a mental health specialist in the surgery. She sorted things so they realised that my disibility was valid & I was given £4500 in back pay.

I had a new assesment a year later, because I supposedly didn't send back a form stating that my situation hadn't changed, I had another assessment that takes no consideration to mental health & I got 0 points, like so many of u & my higher rate of ESA was stopped again.

Unfortunately this specialist has left the surgery & I've gone back down to the lower rate.


Obviously they know I / we deserve the higher rate so I was hoping someone does receive the higher rate & could tell me / everyone how they managed to get it ???




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11 Replies
Tia-01 profile image

Hi Stace

My husband got the higher rate put into support group limited abilities for work so doesn’t have to attend work placed activities. That was after a battle with DWP to actually get them to process form as he was self employed they where adamant he wasn’t entitled but I knew he was as had read it in the government website - unbelievable me telling them he was! Took it to manager who told girl to process and see.. he got lower rate then he had assessment and dr there obviously listened to me as well as my husband she agreed he couldn’t have got to assessment as awarded me my travel allowance which I had been told wouldn’t get unless dr thought my husband would not have got there by himself. My husband has many cognitive behavioural issues used to have a job as paramedic but lost it due to this.. Taken me over 10 years to win a constant battle for PIP 3 attempts!

Big changes are coming apparently to take mental health into criteria long long overdue but that doesn’t help people here and now. Disgraceful system.

Appeal decision get appointment with dr. Your medical notes should have been noted by previous dr that sorted things for you ask for a copy of this to send for evidence.

It angers me so much how they can just pull this money away from people who deserve it. Too many stories in news today how people being failed by this cruel system.

Definitely appeal go to citizens advice/social work they can help you with appeal.

Best of luck fingers crossed you get what you deserve and backdated!

StaceM8 profile image
StaceM8 in reply to Tia-01

Hiya, I keep meaning to go to the CAB to see what can be done & just don't get round to it. As I've said before, I'm not desperate for it.

I can live to a reasonable standard, thanx t Llidl & charity shops, but a nice little holiday would be nice (things the higher rate is for so I do believe (or buying the same things that U get from Llidl, from Waitrose ;o)

When they eventally do pay this in back pay, like the £4500 when I came down from Leeds, I will have a nice little holiday. Thanx for the advice about going to the CAB, wish I could make myself do that. But for some strange reason, it probably won't happen.

I'll wait for the changes to happen !!! Was hoping there was a simple, more guarenteed way ;o)

Been waiting since Jan 28th for my assessment despite me hassling them constantly sending messages suggesting I'm suffering hardship due to not being assessed, it's a joke the whole system, I've worked for 36 years without ever drawing 1 pence from the state then have a brain heamorrage and the dwp waste of time. Have been awarded PIP which now allows me to cover my bills, but that is not what it is for. The system is broken and rigged it's not fit for purpose.

StaceM8 profile image
StaceM8 in reply to

Terrible I kno Hopefully now Theresa remoaner May has gone , we might see some positive action.

Tia-01 profile image
Tia-01 in reply to

Same with my husband worked over 30 never had anything then when needs it has to fight to get what he is entitled to. It’s just so wrong. No wonder people give up and that’s what they want angers me so much. 😡

Jacacc profile image

There should be copies of what the mental health specialist wrote and you can get copies of them from your doctor as well as a supporting letter with what different therapies you have had as well as your medication, don't forget to put down the side affects of the medication as well. Also get help and advice from the citizens advice they are usually a great help with their specialist knowledge of how the system works. It is terrible how the government treat sick people and the people that care for them and save the government millions if not billions of pounds, as someone has already said the system is broken. Just for future reference always keep a copy of the forms you send into the DWP so that you can look back on what you have wrote previously. Good luck with everything and I hope you get all the benefits you obviously deserve.

StaceM8 profile image
StaceM8 in reply to Jacacc

The problem with that, he will have copies, but he said things had changed & unless there's something additional to add, which there's not, he can't help. He was basically telling me to make something up cos he's aware of the problems I face, but I can't do that. Foolishly perhaps, I'd rather be skint ;o(

I'm lucky? In the fact I have polysystic kidney disease ( a cronic kidney disease) as well as having had a brain heamorrage so it's not just the mental stuff. Lucky, prob not the best way to sum it up

StaceM8 profile image
StaceM8 in reply to


Again, a big smiley face maybe not appropriate, but in the same way, ironic ;o)

StaceM8 profile image
StaceM8 in reply to StaceM8

Sorry I've just seen I responded to this post previously (thought I'd missed it - doh !!! ;o)

StaceM8 profile image

Not at all - I do feel for ya

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