Easter 1970 (10 years old) lost shoe crossing road, hit headfirst 40mph by Ford Corsair whilst picking up shoe. Brought back to life a few times then in a coma 5 daze, family told it was a miracle. Left hospital and parents given bit of paper that said 'No neurological defecit' Life was uncomfortable/frustrating and became bit of a nightmare, to say the least. Teenage years were traumatic, lots of mental health issues with no-one to talk to (as there was nothing wrong with me, no neurological deficit) Aaaarrrrgggghhhh..........
1996 finally got brain scan, Atrophy Right Frontal Lobe...put on Incapacity Benefit....regularly hassled as rates chopped and changed...
2013 put on ESA and sent back to Jobcentre. Couldn't understand what was happening and freaked out. Got in touch with CAB and appealed ESA decision, won it very quickly, then discovered been on wrong benefits since October 2002 when I came out of mental hospital (total breakdown attempted suicide) CAB helped me apply for PiP in June then I got Atos assessment for the PiP in August, within a fortnight I got my result... I WON.....Ime still in shock, I Finally have agknowledgement of my Brain Damage and it feels like 45 years of frustration and heaviness have been lifted from me, This has transformed my Existence in many ways. I also have lifelong physical probs which didn't score enough points for the mobility component but Ime not bothered about that, MY Mental health is MY more important concern, Thank goodness for the wonderful understanding and hardworking staff across the country in The CAB. There IS Hope out there, I thought I was doomed, Blessings also to Headways. Ime a member of Headways Highlands ( Scotland ) Rod