I had severe headaches back in 2012 and after various tests was diagnosed with Arnold Chari malformation Type 1 After a successful operation to rectify this it opened a flood gate of other problems. I contracted hydrocephalus and meningitis I had high pressure and after numerous operations resulting in needing 3 shunts. My final problem was a flood to the brain which put me in a coma for the best part of 3 months. When I woke I couldn't walk, talk, go to the toilet or eat. everything bar my hearing stopped working. I was moved when I became fit to rehab in the National hospital London. after 4 months in rehab, I rejoined my family at home to continue my rehabilitation. I was 35 years old when this all started and at 41 now I'm still working on my balance issues and require assistance when going out. The point I want to make is to never give up!! I was told I would never walk again I have my whole life ahead of me and a mum to 2 boys so giving up wasn't an option. I have worked extremely hard to learn to walk, talk, eat and be able to use the toilet again and get rid of the catheter.
Life isn't easy but I believe feeling sorry for myself would only give me more to think about and slow down any progress I could make. My biggest advice is to be strong and positive and determined and I'm so sure this has enabled me to rebuild my life to regain being the woman I used to be. Yes, there are days when I think why me but I think it had to happen to someone!! This illness has made me a stronger person and I treasure every day with my supportive husband, sons and family. So I'm sure there are people going through similar problems as me but please remember to stay strong and time really does help the recovery not overnight but every week I find I can do something that I used to take for granted. Being told I would never be the person I used to has only driven me to work harder.