In Today's Guardian - An interesting read on Concu... - Headway
In Today's Guardian - An interesting read on Concussion.

Everyone without experience of a brain injury should read this. I've read accounts from carers here on the forum or elsewhere in book format. But, as this is such a condensed before & after account, it would probably have much more impact on people who assume brain injury is something which gets "better now".
Such accessible 'potted' histories of BIs in newspapers is probably one of the best ways to raise awareness as, unlike TV soaps, it doesn't rely on characters who need to fulfill other storylines so there's no "Oh he had a brain injury but he's fine now".
Thanks Blue ; you've kicked off an interesting conversation here in my kitchen with this post ! E xx
Hello my lovely,
Thank you so much for letting us know about this article. My family could seriously have benefited from this information when I first had my accident and was unconscious. They were told so many times that I would die and then told to find me a care home as my disabilities would be extensive. Even my two children were told this. Luckily I recovered instantly once I regained consciousness and I’m one of those annoying people who doesn’t even look like they have had an accident.
I think with access to this information, families would not feel like they are the first or only people to find themselves in this kind of situation. My mum said had she had this information at the time of my accident, she may not have felt so alone, desperate and as though she needed to begin organising my funeral. My family would have felt that it was possible that I would survive without the vegetative existence they were told to expect.
You have been so thoughtful to let everybody know about this article and attaching it so others can read it.
I wish you peace, happiness and luck for your future.
Take care,
Nearly six months into my new concussion friend I realised a week ago that I feel like I've died. I thought once I was able to recognise what I "think" I was feeling that was wrong, I'd be able to process it and move's just not happening. It is complicated beyond words. I'm not who I was.
Feebie, have you read "The ghost in my brain" by Clark Elliott? You can find him on youtube being interviewed re; his personal experience and stages of recovery from concussion.
No I haven't, I'll add it to my list. I've read Richard Hammonds, Jane Lapotaire, James Cracknells and I'm on Dr David Burns CBT books at the minute. I also have The Concussion Repair Manual on the way. Thank you for letting me know about it, I will definitely read it at some point. I used to eat, sleep and breathe CrossFit now I eat, sleep and breathe concussion...
Thank you for this! Always helpful to read articles and learn more x