Hello everyone. Thanks in advance for your comments.
After 30 years of a severe concussion (motorcycle accident), I got tremor in my left arm and hand. Could this problem be related to that concussion?
Hello everyone. Thanks in advance for your comments.
After 30 years of a severe concussion (motorcycle accident), I got tremor in my left arm and hand. Could this problem be related to that concussion?
I think you know the answer to this. Go and get it checked out.
Personally i doubt its due to the concussion, 30 years would be stretching it for new symptoms to occur.
If tgere is another reason best to get it dealt with and if not, then no harm done.
Stop prevaricating, put your mind at rest xx
I suffer from essential tremor in both hands, mostly right hand, also leg and now my head shakes slightly. I have had a TBI, stroke, and concussion. My prescription for years is Propanol and it does help, but you must go ASAP to your doctor and show him your problems. I have an appointment with a neurologist who might suggest something else I can take to help my tremor, my appointment is for June. My doctor made the appointment last June so be patient.
Hope it helps you knowing that you are not alone, I have purchased special items to help me eat, and drink, they are all on Amazon. Believe me you are not alone as their are many people who suffer from this debilitating problem. Regards Liz x
Hi jg. I know that hand tremors can have many different causes, i.e. overactive thyroid /stroke/ issues of the nervous system/too much caffeine/medication side effects...……..and more.
Ask your doctor to refer you for neuro tests to find the root of the problem. It might take a while, but hope you get to the bottom of it m'dear. Cat x