DWP: ... or as I call them “Devil Wears Prada... - Headway


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Matt2584 profile image
24 Replies

... or as I call them “Devil Wears Prada” :).

Hi folks,

So at the begining of December, I was assessed for PIP, as some of you well know.

I, personally, do not think I am going to be awarded with what I am obviously entitled too since thousands of other people have been denied too on unfair circumstances.

I was thinking that I would probably get my results sent to me before or just after christmas.

Well, I did get a letter from the DWP after christmas, it was saying that they had received the report from the assessor.

So in other words then “Massive waste of time” and more importantly “Massive waste of trees”.

I did however get a second letter and this wasn’t from the DWP but from some assessors. I have another assessment that I have to go to this time.

I think this assessment is regarding my ESA benefits.

I remember saying once to a friend about me having ESA as well as DLA and he was saying that I didn’t need ESA,

Ok then, I might not have NEEDED ESA as well but the thing is I am entitled to it.

Anyhow, I hope you all had a good christmas... I know I did :).

Now we have the most depressing time of the year around the corner, new years eve.

Why is it depressing? Cos it’s so, so boring.

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Matt2584 profile image
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24 Replies
Tia-01 profile image

Hi There

I feel your frustrations re assessment for PIP it’s an unfair system which hopefully going to change in the next few years too long away in my eyes as this should be done now!!

I am applying for PIP for the third time for my husband who had head injury 10 years ago, twice went to appeal and still scored 2 points short of an award. I also have applied for ESA for him but don’t think he’s going to get it as went self employed to try to see if he could work in private ambulance service but unfortunately with all his cognitive issues it didn’t work for him but this may go against him as he was paying NIC class 2 and been told only class 1 counts. The fact he worked and paid NIC all his life doesn’t count 🙈

Shambles of a system. I hope you get your award which is only right that you do!

cat3 profile image

Hope you get all you're entitled to Matt.

I can't stand the usual New Year's eve TV with all the repeats then the hysteria and can't tolerate the noise & rowdiness of outdoors. After 11pm I like to lie in bed with the lights out and curtains open, playing my favourite music through earphones, and watching the fireworks (direct view across to the extensive rugby club display !).

I enjoyed NY's eve when I was married as babysitters were guaranteed. I used to leave a nice buffet & drinks & chocs for my mum & aunt (both widowed) and it was a time for a peaceful meal and some dancing after all the hectic Christmas celebrations.

The one thing I LOVE about !st Jan is ............…..it's time for looking forward to snowdrops and lighter nights ! 😏 xx

Celtic27 profile image
Celtic27 in reply to cat3

Hi cat3 I hope you had a great Christmas and are looking forward to a good new year! Take care my friend david 🙏

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to Celtic27

Hello lovely ! Sorry to report it's been a none-Christmas for me with a streaming cold and hacking cough...……….. still in full force after 12 days so all plans laid to waste ! 😩 Colds used to be a mere nuisance but this has floored me.

Hope yours was a good one David ? Love Cat x

Celtic27 profile image
Celtic27 in reply to cat3

Hope you get well soon hope. You feel better soon! Had a sos so Christmas but can't complain all the best for 2019 david

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to Celtic27

Thank you David ; hope 2019 is kind to you m'love………… xxx

magdolna profile image
magdolna in reply to cat3

I think the world and his wife have a vicious cold/cough.

I have no interest in this time of year. And now they have fireworks in suburbia of Birmingham where I am with my mum.

I don't remember the noise when I lived here. They should be stopped especially as I have seen how dogs react.

I am a grumpy middle aged BI person and I don't care.

Blessings to all of you.

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to magdolna

We've had a spectacular firework display which I watched tonight from my bedroom window whilst lying in bed & listening to piano music on headphones. I know it's possible to manufacture quiet fireworks which would be a relief to pet owners who could close the curtains and shut the whole thing out.

My cats (all gone now) hated bonfire night and I always rounded them up beforehand, locked the cat-flap, provided a litter tray and constantly reassured them 'til it was over.

I don't object to fireworks per se ; they looked beautiful tonight but I appreciated them more with my own sound effects. But I've signed a recent petition to curb unauthorised use of them in an attempt to minimise the distress for pets and the poor wildlife who can't escape what must be a terrifying ordeal at least three times annually.

Hope you find peace and some happiness in this new year m'dear.

Cat x

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to cat3

Thanks cat :) and I agree with you about the lighter evenings.

Some say they can’t wait until December 25th as it is Christmas day but others, like me for instance, can’t wait until December the 21st as it is the winter solstice and the evenings will start to get lighter after that date :).

Sorry to hear you have been unwell though. It seems, according to some folk that this “virus” going around is a pretty tough one.

For me, my BI has lowered my immune system so I can pick up viruses quite easily BUT because I have changed my diet for the better and eat more fruit and veg I have strengthened my immune system (I like to think).

I can still pick up a virus but it wouldn’t last as long as it did and without the added man-made medication that helps a lot too.

In November I had a little bit of a cold. I had a bit of a funky throat for a day or 2 and then a few days of coughing. I could feel a blockage of phlegm in my airways but I couldn’t actually blow any out of my nose. It seemed to be stuck there.

Anyhow, that went after a few days but about a week or 2 ago it seemed to come back and this time I was blowing more out of my nose this time, a lot more and a tickly cough returned again. It is almost gone now but it does seem like a stubborn one.

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to Matt2584

I'm exactly the same & feel such a relief when the 21st arrives. I know there'll be more dark nights to come but it's a good feeling knowing it's a fraction lighter each day and we're heading for Spring ! xx

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to cat3

By the way, menthol is excellent stuff for colds.

Inhaling Olbas oil is great stuff.

Inhaling menthol crystals is brilliant stuff.

Sucking on Jakeman’s cough sweets is great stuff too.

Jakeman’s cough sweets are quite big compared to most lozengers so it can take about half an hour to suck away one cough sweet :) but that means that it is getting to work better.

Jakeman’s are made with menthol oil as well.

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to Matt2584

Ha ha !! I've been using Olbas oil and Jakemans for the past two weeks 😃...………… Just bought my 3rd pack of Js today.

Great minds or what ? 😉 x

Woo777 profile image

I don’t think anyone realises what we have to go thro , I was 4 months in hospital with 2 sub arachs and still had pip denied , they made me feel like I had faked them . Just because they can’t see the injury doesn’t mean it isn’t there .happy new year xx

HavingAlook1 profile image

I was on DLA and forced an assessment early for PIP, I got awarded nothing for mobility and low rate for care.

I appealed it and got awarded the highest rate for care so was happy.

Then because my care rate was high I got a letter from the ESA telling me my money was double from them as well as I was awarded high of PIP.

I am currently fighting now to get put in the Support group of ESA as tried going back to work 3 times with devastating results every time.

These assessments are a complete drain on me and everyone and wish you all the best

Matt2584 profile image

If I were to say that the DWP/government don’t want people to have these benefits they are clearly entitled too I would most probably be told that I am some sort of weirdo and that the reason why people are being denied their benefits is because the DWP are catching out the cheaters, the people who fake their disability.

I, however think, their is a lot more too it than just that.

This is when I turn to conspiracy theories and I know people would then say I was crazy or something but all you have to do is look at the big picture here, wake up and smell the coffee, open your closed mind.

THEY clearly don’t want us to live so for me I have to turn to conspiracy theories here.

Starwars28 profile image

I Know how you feel i had same problem hope it turns out ok for you good luck.

1949liz profile image

Hi Matt, did you get PIP as it was not clear in your message? I wish you a very Happy Healthier and Peaceful New Year. Love Liz x

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to 1949liz

Thank you Liz :) and the same to you, hope 2019 is good to you :).

I don’t know if I have been awarded PIP just yet. I got a letter the other day saying that the DWP had got the report the assessor made.

Now to me, that was a total waste in telling me that.

I don’t care if they have the report, I just want to know If I am getting what I am entitled too.

Futurecut profile image

Matt2584. Fundamentally the move to UC and PIP was to meet a goal of cost savings. There's no conspiracy in that. Some will clearly lose out. The tories have always been open about that. Unfortunately they've also shown that they are catastrophically poor at designing, implementing and repairing any type of services even without Brexit taking up everyone's time. But she won a general election after years of 'austerity', so as long as people vote for their own financial interests without much regard to the wider social picture we're stuck with it. People are selfish in private, tories exploit that. If people are entitled on paper and are denied because of mismanagement they will succeed at appeal. Of course they shouldn't have to appeal though but I don't think its too healthy to invoke conspiracy too often.

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to Futurecut

When the word ‘government’ broken down equals to ‘mind control’ and money is the biggest form of controlling the public then conspiracies do play a big part here. I don’t see it as some silly theory.

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to Matt2584

Couldn't agree more Matt. And, without the EU's protection and realistic taxation (of everyone including the rich) I fear the vulnerable will be asked to form an orderly queue to the scrapheap. x

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to cat3

I have signed a fair few petitions about how celebrities, the rich and various companies such as Amazon dodge paying taxes.

I don’t understand how there are mega-rich people out there, rich companies and all the money made in sports could all be used for good. Share and spread out that money to the rest of the population and poverty would not exist.

Wouldn’t it be good if every living person in the UK had the same or similar amount of money? We were all wealthy and nobody was in their own class.

I think, if I was a billionaire, not only would I give some of my money to charities but I would probably dish out my money to complete strangers... strangers who I thought deserved the money anyhow.

The way things are with money these days is pretty much insane.

This is why I see the government as a bunch of psychos.

Futurecut profile image
Futurecut in reply to Matt2584

It's Conservative ideology that's behind it, and the people who voted for it. Repeatedly. Tories don't hide it. They just know people are intrinsically selfish.

Futurecut profile image

Fair enough, we just disagree, nothing healthier than that.

Not what you're looking for?

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