Hi, I had a SAH march 2016 but also have an untreated aneurysm. It isn't monitored anymore as it would be more dangerous to treat than to leave. I used to go to yoga prior to the bleed and really enjoyed it. I now feel I would like to restart it. I have some minor balance issues that I thought it might help with but mostly it is just for the enjoyment. I have an appointment with my GP on Wednesday and I will mention it if I remember! Anyone have any information on what I should avoid doing or if I should avoid it altogether. Thanks
yoga: Hi, I had a SAH march 2016 but also have an... - Headway

Hi there I do a lot of yoga, and the one position that's not recommend is the downward dog, or any positions that mean putting you head down low. But as long as you take things easy until you get back into the swing of things you should be ok. Also make sure you inform your teacher of your health issues, not just on the form but talking to the teacher. If you have a good teacher they should be ok about it. After all yoga its your practice and should get out of the class what you want to get out of it. Hopefully that helps
Thanks a lot for that. My teacher is very good and so am confident about returning but had no idea what ought to be avoided. Sad about downward dog. It was one of my favorites. X
Can I ask Chelle, who was it that didn’t recommend the downward dog position? A doctor?
I don’t trust a lot of doctors no more and steer clear of pharmacies, doctors surgeries and hospitals (if I can).
I have done a fair share of my own research on the internet and inversion therapy via inverted table (head low and feet high) means the heart pumps more and more oxygen is sent to the brain. Oxygen is what the brain needs in order to heal.
I don’t have an inversion table and there are other ways of getting oxygen to the brain.
Yoga is one of those ways and poses such as downward dog can help. I do this or something similar to this all the time.
If it was a doctor who didn’t recommend patients to do this I would not be surprised.
Through my findings, there is a lot in this world that we have been lied to about and are still. There is a lot of information out there that can help us out a lot but is not being told to us.
If you or anybody else does the downward dog position, or any other yoga pose, and it feels ok whilst holding the position then I say “Carry on with it”.
Downward dog doesn’t affect me at all.
These professionals don’t know it all.
If people are still unsure about Downward dog, there is another way of getting oxygen to the brain via inhaling frankincense essential oil.
Frankincense essential oil has helped me out with my fatigue. I don’t get fatigued as much as I used to.
I'm an experienced yogi and it was one of my lifesavers after my cvst.
My consultant did not advise against any postures.... Have you asked yours?
Yoga balances are great for improving your general balance.
I have not seen my consultant since being discharged from hospital but I will ask my gp tomorrow as I am seeing her about something else. I don't have a shunt so maybe that makes a difference. I am very grateful for all the replies. Xx
I have seen my GP or at least a locum and he says yoga would be great. No postures off limits but stop if any feel odd in any way. Not to push too hard to start with and he gave me permission to use the brain injury card if I want to get out of anything. I liked him! I have now emailed my yoga teacher to ask if I can go back. He may be reluctant as I appear to be quite accident prone. Managed to break both wrists at a reading group and had a bleed when getting ready to preach. Who says reading or religion are boring xx
Yoga teacher has agreed to me going. I had to wait for someone to leave so a space for me. Can I get in touch with you if I need more advice. My yoga teacher is wonderful but he has never knowingly had anyone with an unruptured aneurysm before. I thought I would maybe leave the head down poses as I don't want to put any extra pressure on my blood vessels in my head. What do you think? Am I being overcautious?
Please do keep in touch. What does your consultant recommend ? I never was any good at inverted postures so avoid headstands anyway - but down dog has not been an issue for me. Go with the advice your consultant gives, go with what your body tells you - and enjoy the alternatives/modifications if you need then ( elbow dog perhaps ?)
thanks I will. First lesson Tuesday evening.x
Hi Moo196. I have been to 2 lessons now and I really enjoy them again. We are working on balance at the moment and I found last night that when I concentrated on the breathing my balance improved. I won't say that I didn't wobble but it did seem better. I am very hopeful of it helping me as well as giving me enjoyment. I feel that now is the time to just push a little bit. I sew as well and have tried a couple of more complicated garments to help with my concentration and problem solving. I also go to French classes. I seem to have lost most of my French language which is a pity as we have a house in France (or at least daughter has now). I am sure all of these will help my brain and give me more of a purpose in life. Actually life seems good at the moment.