cognitive/memory issues and PIP: I recently received... - Headway


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cognitive/memory issues and PIP

ftt1960 profile image
12 Replies

I recently received a full transcript of my PIP assessment and the decisions made. In the transcript I noticed that it mentioned that I had neither cognitive nor memory issues despite very definitely having both. I was rather bemused by this. At my Headway group I have been receiving arithmetic and problem solvng tuition, as I discovered that I was really struggling in these areas despite being a primary teacher before retiring two years ago. I was working at upper primary level but no higher. I knew the difficulties that I had meant there was no way I could continue teaching. On retiring I continued to pay the teaching registration with a view to perhaps picking up some supply work however, it very quickly became clear that scenario would not be an option. I also struggle to follow verbal instructions of more than about two steps but can follow written instructions such as a crochet pattern. As for my short-term memory, oh dear. I was told that because I could remember my medical history there were no issues. I don’t remember dates and rely on my partner to infirm me of these, I often ask what day of the week it is and rely on a calendar for dates and to keep a note of events. I rarely remember what I am told a few minutes oreviously and if information is detailed I have no chance. I never attend meetings alone, even to my GP and tend to write things down in a notebook that I carry all the time.

it was noted that I need help when eating to cut up certain types of food, mainly meat, but because this happens less than 50% of days it doesn’t count. If I ate steak and chips 7 days a week I would need help every day but because I eat meals consisting of pasta or rice I can manage. The menu has been altered to permit me to maintain some independence but it would seem this is wrong. The same with dressing, I should continue to wear clothes with buttons that I cannot manage and simply wet myself because I can’t get my jeans undone quickly enough. As it is, the occasional times that I wear jeans outside of the house my partner gets embarassed when I ask him to fasten me up after using a public toilet. How can any of this be right? I suppose I made yet another mistake when I bought a laundry basket with legs and a peg bag that I can wear over my shoulder to avoid bending when hanging out the washing. I assume I should simply sit back and let my partner, who works full-time from home, do everything.

It is not that I am looking to ‘score’ a better payout, I simply want my issues to be correctly acknowledged. Has anyone else met with this difficulty? And, if so, how have you dealt with it?. Dn’t ask how long it took me to type this post, cognitive issues are behind the vast number of typos that I make and have to correct.

I am interested to hear your thoughts or ideas.

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ftt1960 profile image
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12 Replies
Plenty profile image

the PIP assessment/assessor is totally focused on not awarding any points.

Take it to tribunal.

Butterfly28 profile image

I am afraid my sister has encountered the same issues. Some things were misrepresented in the report by the assessor eg she told him that she couldn’t budget for things , she couldn’t read her bank statements and relied on me to do her shopping and manage her money . He wrote in the report that she could budget and manage money . As she was able to talk in the phone for almost 20 minutes she had neither cognitive issues or memory issues. And so we go on - it felt like our word against his.

The only thing you can do is push back - the next step is to apply for a mandatory reconsideration and then appeal if that’s not successful. If you do go to the next step try to get more evidence- supportive statements describing your situation from family, friends, medical professionals etc Talk to citizens advice - they can help and have experience of this awful process. Good luck.

ftt1960 profile image
ftt1960 in reply to Butterfly28

I don’t do anything financial except spend money! Have even suggested that my partner takes over my bank account.if I order something online I don’t complete the order or I order it twice.

LostGenius profile image
LostGenius in reply to ftt1960

Sorry to hear what you are going through with PIP. I’m in a different country and all this madness of trying to prove deficits from any kind of brain injury to any organization related to government or insurance seems to be the same. No one seems to pay attention (even though their brain is supposedly normal 🤦🏼‍♀️). Not to mention how incompetent most lawyers that are supposed to help victims are.

Keep fighting for what you need to be recognized (it isn’t easy for sure) but that’s the only way to get through this chaos.

I saw a lot of issues I’m going through in what you wrote. You aren’t the only one that fails to complete online orders… (I’m still not sure how I get so distracted & then see the open tab days later) or I even order things twice minutes later. 😝

One website I order from limits orders to 10 items (but I only remember this when it gives me error trying to buy the 12 items in my cart🤪) so when I remove the extra items and tried to re-buy items over that limit in a new session I accidentally order the same thing again. 😩

6+ years later I’m still doing stupid stuff like this and no one believes how bad my injury really is. I doubt they ever will either.

Good luck with your PIP appeal! Don’t let them win!

P.S. Who cares about typos! I can’t write easily anymore but with autocorrect at least my words are sometimes spelled correctly even if they are in the wrong order. 🙃

ftt1960 profile image
ftt1960 in reply to LostGenius

your reply made me smile, thank you

skydivesurvivor profile image

20 years of adjustment, acceptance, adapting to the new ME. Been a struggle at times finding peace now, this site is bril. Others that know what we go through!!

Pairofboots profile image

I had similar when I changed from DLA to PIP, I appealed by going through each section pointing out every error in what had been recorded, pointed out every wild assumption. I was lucky at the time that I also had a Fit for Work report that completely contradicted the PIP assessment. The DWP withdrew the appeal before it went to court, and granted me the equivalent of what I had received from DLA. This sadly seems to occur in many PIP claims.

skydivesurvivor profile image

been there etc. the hardest thing is we look so normal?! Guess the grey matter is still adjusting? Find this a wonderful site, like minded friends who understand, recognise the citation, good brain work-out too . Keep safe x

Hi my advice is not to fight it on your own but to get the CAB or other organization to do it for you. They know how the system works and can word it correctly for you.

Another thing to do is to phone the DWP that deals with PIP (not the assessors) and explain that your brain injury symptoms have not been taken into consideration (there are no boxes on the assessment forms for brain injury) so explain this to the person. Ask to speak to a manager and also get the number for the complaints department and make an official complaint.

Also make a complain to the complaints department of the provider.

The more you support your case the better position you will be in. I did this and they ended up awarding PIP and paying me compensation for the trauma they caused. You may want to read back through my history, there's plenty of info there.

I also went to my MP's office to ask for help and the DWP crapped themselves and phoned me up late in the evening apologizing.

Be proactive and fight the bastards.

ftt1960 profile image
ftt1960 in reply to

I will take all of your points on bard, as I sad, I’m not looking for more money, just to have all of my issues recognised.

Leaf100 profile image
Leaf100 in reply to ftt1960

You may need the money later, even if you can't see the need for it today.Once they place you, you won't get another chance for an upgrade.

Plus, they should be paying you at the level designated for your issues. The funds are meant to help offset costs due to them.

Stand up for yourself and your family.


ftt1960 profile image

i’m beng transferred tothe Scttish system soon, so want to get things sorted for then. Will speak to the headway counsellor and see if she can do me some sort of report about the learning support I’m getting.

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