Good morning Saturday! So excited to share my new publication on the @differentstrokescharity . This is an amazing charity that helps young survivors after a stroke ‘ We help younger Stroke Survivors reclaim their lives through active peer support and independent recovery.’ Im proud to be able to share my story to help others. If you know a young stroke survivor please share this link :
Different strokes: Good morning Saturday! So excited... - Headway
Different strokes
You are an inspiration Kavita with all you are doing to promote for brain injury however it has been caused. What you are achieving is amazing.
Thank you so much ❤️
I just looked at the Different Strokes website. I wasn't aware of this charity. Not sure where I 'fit' with all the various organisations but don't seem to find anything much in my area at all. My brain injury was caused by Bacterial Meningitis & septicaemia but also had cerebral abscesses which the neurologist documented as causing 'strokes'. I haven't before considered, what maybe, the consequence of the 'strokes' as always considered the abcessess as the cause of my frontal brain injury/dysexecutive syndrome. I certainly continue to have problems with my emotional control and mood especially with crying over everything and nothing which is out of proportion to the cause .......
Different Strokes are excellent and they contacted me after my 1st TBI, however they didn't have a group in my area and don't seem to have the same number across the country.
I did speak to someone on their helpline and received excellent advice, along with a regular newsletter.