So today has finally arrived! My hubby Dave is coming home after 17months! Dave suffered a cardiac arrest in jan 2017 which left him with severe hypoxic brain injury! We have come a long way and had many challenges. He will still require 24 hour care, but with the love and support from my family, we will continue to be hopeful and positive! Feeling blessed
Home at last!: So today has finally arrived! My... - Headway
Home at last!

That’s wonderful news and I wish you both the best of wishes. You have both had a hard road to travel. This is the start of a new adventure 🙏🤗🏴
Great news m'dear ! But please try to take it slowly and not wear yourself out trying to make everything 'perfect' ; it'll be strange for everyone until you all get the hang of your 'new normal'.
I've never been a crier but I remember leaving hospital and crying buckets all the way home. It felt so sad leaving the caring staff who, as I'd little memory of anything prior to waking up in hospital, were SO familiar...........and safe.
So maybe be prepared for some odd reactions from Dave at first (I know we have a trial weekend at home but we know it's temporary) - leaving for good can create a mix of strong emotions.
But this is such a massive milestone for you all ; sending every possible good wish for a smooth and peaceful homecoming. Love Cat xx
Like Cat has said, take it easy, be very gentle with yourself and extremely patient with Dave as he might be confused and extremly anxious. But Bless You Both have a great time celebrating his fist major step on the road to recovery. Love Liz x