5 weeks since cycling TBI. Hubby now in Germany after we were air ambulanced from Mallorca. He’s in early hospital rehabilitation, full team involved-physically his walking is improving (2 people helping), left arm paralysis (caused by brachial plexus + subarachnoid hemorrhage) improving slowly, personality in tact, long term memory fine but short term shot to pieces. How can I help work on this?
Diffused axonal injury-short term memory problems - Headway
Diffused axonal injury-short term memory problems

There are a lot of natural treatments that help the memory. If you diffuse a mixture of frankincense, rosemary, peppermint, and lemon balm in his room it should help him regain cognition. Keeping a journal with notes of things he needs to remember so that he can reference back to it. These are things I have had to do for myself as I have lost my immediate recall function and it has helped tremendously.
Hi ExPat. Short-term memory loss is a big deal for most of us post brain injury. I'm aware there are more high tech gadgets for reminders, but I prefer the basic notebook method. As soon as I receive an appointment I've 'trained' myself to make a note of it immediately in my diary...........and I also put an alert on the previous page to forewarn me.
I keep my diary on my dressing table and check it routinely every morning whilst brushing my hair. And the day before an appointment I write the time of the appointment on my dressing table mirror in black marker (comes off easily with acetone) so I can't miss it !
I've had to progress under my own steam over the past 6 years and I really believe that reading, crosswords, online solitaire against the clock etc. (anything which stretches cognitive boundaries) has improved my word recall and conversational ability. And competitive games such as chess & scrabble can exercise the grey matter as well as lifting the mood.
These are just my personal preferences ; you'll find your own version I'm sure.
Best wishes, Cat x