Hello All
I guess this post is going to be a little self indulgent for which I apologise as I am positive there are people on this site who are in a far worse position than I am. Non the less this is my life and I am struggling at the moment. As I write this tears are falling and I am getting cross with myself, which makes me angry and as I am generally not an angry person they convert to tears and so it goes on.
Two major things have happened to me recently as a direct consequence of my illness and these outcomes are breaking my heart- because there is no fix.
I may have mentioned before that I work for a charity and absolutely love my job. Due to my forgetfulness on a daily basis I have realised that I can no longer stay in my job. I do need to work so not working is not a consideration. Whatever I do will not replace the job I currently have. It perhaps doesn't help as I am a lone worker so cannot turn to any-one to help me check what I may have missed or forgotten but to be fair to the clients my inabilities should not be their problem. Please do not get the impression that I am hopeless at my job because I am actually very good at it in most parts, it is simply that I do forget bits and this can affect the client. I have managed the situation in that I have discussed my issues with my employer and we have agreed that over the next six months I will be looking for alternative work. This happened at the beginning of the week and it has left me in a place where I am constantly upset and the least little thing has me in floods of tears.
My plan has always been to work as a paid counsellor. I have over the last seven years begun the counselling journey and have got up to Year 2 of Level 4. During my last year of Level 4 I contracted encephalitis just before the exams and am now re-taking the second year. I sat a mock exam last week and was unable to do the exam as I could not remember any theory at all. Not even a little bit of it. I am overly tired when I attend college and am feeling rather exhausted with the whole thing. The result is I am having to seriously consider dropping out of the course.
I am 60 years old and I just feel devastated that I cannot seem to influence my life in the way that I want to. I feel that time is running out for me due to my age and my end of work life will not be what I had planned.
I took steps later on in this week and made contact with the disabilities employment person who confirmed on the phone that my brain issues can be classed as a disability. In part this is good news.
I have also contacted my local headway organiser with a view to joining a local group - perhaps talking with other people in a similar situation may help.
It is just that I have come to fully understand what my brain illness really means to me and just how it really does affect my life.
Just in a tough place right now.