Give me strength....: I really dunno wot 2 do ne... - Headway


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Give me strength....

4 Replies

I really dunno wot 2 do ne more. Since my heart attack in Dec 2015, I've had major depression cos I don't feel like the same person any more (I've got a bit of brain damage memory issues now) Then my best friend of over 10yrs, my cat, passed away Dec 2016. Seems I don't get a break cos now I've got the death of my mother 2 deal with 😔 We didn't have the best relationship+hadn't really spoken 4 a couple yrs. But I held her hand 1 last time as she passed away... It was heart breaking... The funerals 2moro, it's gonna destroy me...

4 Replies

Bunkey you sound so alone. So sorry about your mum, hope the funeral goes OK. Why don't you get yourself another companion, another cat say, or even a dog. It would help enormously with your depression.

cat3 profile image

Hi again Bunkey. I really do empathise ; I lost my dear mum 20 years ago and, one week later, my cat who'd been my constant companion of 20 years (tom cat named 'Speedy') died.

Despite having my son and daughter still living at home I felt bereft and alone. I became severely depressed and, on my GP's advice, agreed to counselling sessions. I had a 6 month wait so meanwhile started on an SSRi to tide me over as I was having frequent debilitating panic attacks.

I was very cynical about counselling and told the therapst it would probably be a waste of time. But after a year of weekly sessions, I realised how much more confident and positive I'd become and , most remarkably, the panic attacks had stopped.

Try to take things one day at a time. It's natural, when you're so down, to see nothing but misery ahead but, by setting a small task (I still plan tasks/projects for the following day every night after turning out the light). Focusing on practical stuff can keep the dark thoughts away and make coping a reality.

But firstly, get yourself through the funeral tomorrow. Losing one's mum is the worst feeling ever ; just remind yourself you're not alone because it's something that everyone around you has to deal with sometime.

Will you please message me to offload after the funeral ? I shall be thinking of you and will be home tomorrow after 8pm.

I'm so sorry for your loss Bunkey. Cat x

TaIaV profile image

Dear Bunkey, It is so sad to hear that you are experiencing depression and are suffering both the major loss of your dear cat, and the immense loss of your mother. Regardless of age or current relationship, the death of one's mother is a momentous event that stirs deep feelings. I hope that you successfully use everything you know about protecting yourself in the midst of all the tragedy.

In addition, please try to counter-balance the losses with active recognition of some other realities, specifically:

- That you are a unique, wonderful and lovable person exactly as you are.

- That the world needs you to recognize that.

- That your capacity to love (so clearly shown by your grief over the loss of some of your loved ones) will always be there and will bring you happiness in the future.

All the best to you.


spider555 profile image

It's really hard to lose your cat.

I had a grief period and to be honest, my partner was had enough about the tears 🙄 anyway, I got another cat. He's different from my beloved girl but he's become more affectionate and plushy ☺

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