Thousands of medical studies are found useless. - Headway


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Thousands of medical studies are found useless.

Matt2584 profile image
15 Replies

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15 Replies

Natural News are a load of reactionaries who think that man-made global warming is "fake news" and that autism is caused by vaccines. I'd steer well clear of them.

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to

I wouldn't say that.

Global warming exists to a degree because the globe's climate changes by the day: That is global warming for you.

But, global warming/climate change is over hyped, most probably thanks to Al Gore for that.

This man-made climate change I can believe in to some degree. Humans are the most destructive force on the planet which is leading to accelerated climate change.

The Tsunami a few years back that damaged the Fukushima nuclear power plant has been leaking gallons and gallons of radiation per day into the pacific ocean. Nothing is being done about it to clear it up!

Burning fossil fuels add to the heated Earth.

There are numbers of other things going on that is all the result of man and it is all in the sake of making money.

It isn't just Natural News that talks about these things but there are many websites and people out there who will speak of the things that will never ever be said/printed in the mainstream media.

As for vaccines leading to autism, again many people will speak of it as being true and also that the flu vaccines will likely give you the flu than prevent it.

I'm into conspiracies and I can believe in them but not 100%. I mostly go by experience over reading something. But when it comes to geo engineering/chemtrails I can 100% believe in because you can see them. A lot of people think they are normal and that it is contrails you see in the skies but condensation and chemicals being dumped in the sky are very different things altogether. explains geo engineering a lot better than I do.

And the Natural News website has been blacklisted by Google now.. well it has in America anyhow. It hasn't over here cos I can still access it. But yes, NN and

Going back to the nuclear power plant, these are to provide power as well as burning fossil fuels. But why bother with them when there are much cleaner ways to power the planet and not cook it and damage the environment or life?

in reply to Matt2584

I don't think the impact of mankind on the environment is over-hyped. If anything, it's played down by the governments of the world. 97% of climate scientists have agreed that we are heading towards disaster if we don't change our ways and that we have already passed the point of no return for some things. I'd put my money on scientists rather than a dodgy news organisation every time.

I can assure you that autism is NOT caused by vaccines. Not only is there no reliable evidence for it, the original report stating it was discredited as Andrew Wakefield admitted he fabricated the evidence. As if that wasn't enough to prove vaccines don't cause autism, a recent study showed that it is detectable in infant brains long before any vaccines are administered. There are stacks of evidence to prove autism is not caused by vaccines. Autism is a neuro-developmental condition, meaning it is hard-wired into the brain before birth.

I can appreciate your views on nuclear energy. I think it's stupid to mess with such dangerous materials when we are making such stupendous advances in solar, wind and tidal sources of energy. We owe it to our planet to be responsible with our energy production.

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to

Exactly, we are heading to disaster because of greed. The greedy corporations who rob from the planet just to make loads of money (material) are the ones ruining the planet.

If they, change their ways and stopped wrecking the planet through burning fossil fuels, nuclear power plants, fracking and so on and we all went green, then there wouldn't be no wreckage to the planet, there would be no climate change.

All I shall say is that there is a lot of genuine information out there and just as much misinformation out there too.

Mainstream media: A source of information that the whole world usually relies on. However someone like me and thousands of others do not believe a lot the news talks about. Why don't they talk about chemtrails/geo engineering? some of the real important things going on. They can't say that chemtrails doesn't exist because it does, you can see them almost every day.

You can assure me that vaccines do not cause autism, can you?

If this recent study was saying that Autism is hard-wired into the brain before birth, that leads me to think of what the parents' lifestyle was like. were they getting vaccinated? Were they the carriers of mercury? Did the mother pass on mercury to the unborn child?

in reply to Matt2584

Yes, I can assure you that vaccines do not cause autism. As I said earlier, it is a neurological difference, not damage or a disease. It is genetic, it runs in families. It is not down to lifestyles. It has been with humanity for tens of thousands of years.

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to

I shall remember you said that.

I don't actually believe it myself.

What I do believe is that autism, for instance, cannot pop up from nowhere. Everything happens for a reason.

My BI was because of a brain tumour and I was told by my GP that the tumour was growing all of my life. I was 12 when he told me that. So it took about 12 years for my tumour to grow to the size of an egg.

2 years later I was then diagnosed with another tumour that was next door to the original tumour and that was roughly the same size! And that one took two years to grow.

From what I know now, I do not believe what my GP told me when I was 12.

I believe it was my awful diet at that time that brought on my tumours.

in reply to Matt2584

Autism is a genetic condition. What makes you think it "pops up from nowhere"?

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to

I don't believe conditions can be passed genetically.

I don't believe it when a person says they have autism cos there uncle has it.

in reply to Matt2584

You don't believe in genetically inherited conditions? Despite the thousands, possibly even millions, of studies showing that conditions like autism are heritable. That's like saying that you don't believe a child can inherit their father's blue eyes.

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to

When you say about inheriting the colour of the eyes from their father, you make it sound as if autism is a part of a person, it's not... well I don't think it is anyhow.

Yes, there may be loads and loads of studies on how autism is heritable but from what I know now, I don't believe autism is hereditary. I believe a baby having blue eyes from their father is hereditary but not with autism.

So there might be loads and loads of studies proving me wrong but I don't believe in everything I read or hear.

Well, fortunately, studies don't give a toss about what you feel and what you believe. They simply present the facts. So you can continue to believe autism is inflicted upon you by the pixies at the bottom of the garden, but just like believing the world is flat, you are simply, empirically and totally wrong.

Come back to me with a peer reviewed article from a reputable journal backing your beliefs and, if I can't refute that with at least fifty articles gainsaying what you "believe" then maybe we have a basis for further discussion.

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to

I told you before that it is not just me who has this belief, thousands of others do to.

And there is no need to be rude about it either. If it is my belief that autism is not genetic then that is my belief ok. If you don't agree with that, fine.

There maybe loads of studies and mainstream news may tell you that autism is hereditary but I, like many other people, am not a sheep. I do not follow the shepards (governments, mainstream media). I am here to live :).

Have you ever actually wondered things like why we humans pay through the nose to live on planet earth? Animales don't. Cats don't, dogs don't, bengal tigers don't. So why do we? We are said to be the intelligent species. Ha, yeah right. What is so intelligent about paying to live on earth.

Surely when you buy a house, you have bought the house, you own it, you can do what you like with it. But no, you still have to keep forking out money for it. I can understand paying for gas, electricity and water (water that has sodium fluoride in it), but tax!? What for? Most things are taxed these days. And what happens to most of this extra money that goes to the government, that they don't really need? They spend most of it on weapons of mass destruction. Mass destruction that is created by wars. Wars are not needed. These weapons keep terrorists at bay, you say. Terrorists are created from corrupt governments and other agencies/corps.

Going back to water, did you know that the Chairman of the big corporation Nestlé, is stealing all the natural water and bottling it up and selling it to the public? I wouldn't be surprised if you had your head buried in the sand there.

When you see, what looks like a plane in the sky, leaving a trail behind it that stretches from horizon to horizon, I suppose you think that is a normal, genuine contrail. How wrong you would be.

Why do pharmaceuticals even exist? To make money of course. The native Americans, the Amish folk, the aboriginees, Indian tribes, African tribes and so on, they all live off of the land and they don't have problems with cancer, autism and the like. But we do cos we live in a part of the world where various chemicals are getting passed around causing massive amounts of health problems.

"The love for money is the root of all evil"... And that is not a quote that I made up either.

You could think of all of what I said as a bag of tripe if you wanted and remain ignorant. Then I would advise you to not make any comment back. I wouldn't want to hear it, or see it in this case.

The articles I share on this forum and facebook are not to show people that I am crazy but are more likely to spread awareness to show that most people are living in a dream world and need to wake up.

First of all, yes, you are entitled to your opinion. However, you are not entitled to your own facts. The fact is, autism is a condition that is passed on genetically. It's not up for debate.

As for the rest of your claims, I am tired of arguing with someone who does not accept facts.

Go believe what you want to believe. Maybe someday you'll realise the truth.

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to

Who do you think you are to tell me that I am not entitled to my own fact?

I can believe any fact I like.

Just because mainstream media may have published autism and other health conditions as facts does not mean that I MUST believe it. As I was saying before, I am not a sheep.

I don't believe that everybody in the world have to believe everything their government tells them, that is what makes a person a naive sheep. I used to be one, not any more.

I don't believe in faulty facts anyway and I said that I would advise you not to comment back as it would be a waste of time. Obviously it didn't work.

Out of interest though, how do you actually know that autism is hereditary?

in reply to Matt2584

Correction - you can believe your own opinions. Facts are facts and cannot be argued with. If you choose to believe something because it fits with your world view and not because it is a fact based in properly conducted scientific research, then it's not a fact.

To quote the amazing scientist Sam Harris, "The deeper issue, is that truth has nothing, in principle, to do with consensus: one person can be right and everyone else can be wrong. Consensus is a guide to discovering what is going on in the world, but that is all it is. Its presence or absence in no way constrains what may or may not be true."

In other words, just because you and your friends think it's true, doesn't mean it necessarily is.

The only real question is, do I sit here and type in study after study after study showing the evidence about autism, or do I leave it because I know you won't bother reading anything that disagrees with your world view?

Not a contest really.

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