Hi I'm new to the group and looking for some advice. I was released from hospital 2 weeks ago after having surgery for a ruptured brain aneurysm. Just recently I have noticed some numbness in the left side of my face and neck and was wondering if this is normal?
Post surgery help please : Hi I'm new to the group... - Headway
Post surgery help please

Good morning Laysills78 - Jules here,
My situation is different to yours (mine was a bike crash with a tbi) so i cant help with the advice you need., sorry - but i know there are many lovely friendly people here that will chat later to you.
Hope your day goes OK ish
Kind regards
I think any new symptoms need checking ...likely it's nothing but if contact your surgeons secratary and ask them to discuss this with him and advise you what's best to do - it will give you peace of mind too x
No it's not normal. You need to always treat numbness to neck and face as an urgent matter. Many major arteries and nerves in our necks. Call the surgeon and get checked out. Cartoid artery, major veins, ect are there. Numbness is a sign of problems with nerves and arteries in the neck since you just had an aneurysm which is caused by blockages and problems in major blood vessels leading to the brain. Definitely get a scan or testing for this and call your specialist immediately. MRIs can't be done on aneurysm clips, so that's not an option. What is an option is Doppler ultrasound studies of your neck, consulting an endovascular surgeon in addition to your neurosurgeon, and a CT using dye known as an angiography if not allergic to dye. I hope this helps. You could in best case scenario be suffering from nerve damage from the trauma to the area and operation itself. DONT IGNORE!
Well wishes, and please give me an update when you can to your condition and what the doc says or does.
Welcome Ladysills. There's a chance you've sustained some nerve damage which could explain the numbness but, as Kim & Amy have said, you'd be best to contact your consultant's secretary and ask to see your consultant again as soon as possible. The secretary should mark your request as urgent so you should be seen quite quickly.
The secretary's contact number should be on any correspondence you have from the hospital or you'll get it from the ward or main reception.
Do get it checked out, but try not to worry as there may be various innocent explanations for your symptoms. And, please, let us know how you get on. Best wishes, Cat x
Got it sorted seems it is nerve damage and will hopefully work itself out given time, thanks for the help 😀