Hi everyone, I've never wrote on a forum before but feel quite ..... sad!
So here's my story (I'll try and keep it short😂) I have a very long and strong family history of cerebral anyeurysms and ruptures-my dad suffering 2 leaving him with disabilities and my cousin sadly passing last year from his second. I have 4 aunts/uncles who also have them or have passed from them.
In 2009 I had a coiling which went 'well' and I was discharged from outpatients 5 years later-standard.
However from September 2016 I am back again under the same team for what I have been told 'may be' a second anyeurysm in the same artery and today at an out patient app that there is a second problem which was found following my ct angiogram with my original coiling to do with compacted coils and this will need further treatment. But I'm left unsure what that 'problem' is.
I don't really know what I want to ask or write on here but I just feel scared and a little in limbo whilst I await a further scan and I know this is trivial compared to others but I know the devastating impact this can have.
Has anyone else got experience with compacted coils and second anyeurysms?
Thanks in advance x