Hi Im Vitaura from Grimsby I had a brain tumour removed June 2016 and blood cloth which lead to two brain surgeries in June I also developed hydrocephalus as a late complication and had to have my 3rd brain surgery last November to get a VP shunt in which was super helpful in my sympthoms. By the way Im 26 and find that there is not much support for my conditions in my area... Well nice to meet you all
New member: Hi Im Vitaura from Grimsby I had a brain... - Headway
New member

Hi and welcome. You have found a really helpful bunch of people.
If you aren't getting help how about downloading the Headway leaflets?
We are here and looking forward to you joining in.
Love n hugs
Hello Vitaura from Grimsby...........and welcome.
Any type of brain injury is a nightmare at any time, but at only 26 you've been especially unlucky.
But we've a mixed bag of folk here with a range of conditions, the common denominator being the after-effects and, in the main, lack of aftercare.
Hope you'll soon be at home here m'dear !
Best wishes, Cat x
Welcome, good to meet you. Well you've been through an awful time. It's goodthat you've found this little forum......almost always some here will have a shared experience, be an,e to answer questions about recovery, or just have a chat do keep in touch and let us know how you're progressing. Are you in touch with your local Headway? x
Here's the Headway helpline give them a call. They'll be able to give you advice,msupport and you're nearest branch contact details. Helpline. Tel: 0808 800 2244
Welcome to the forum.
Some suggestions.
Try this diet book and website. You can have 2 squares of chocolate on it per day!!! Nice smoothies with fruit and a lot of other tasty things. It might help you to feel or get just a bit better. It is for post concussion syndrome but could help you.
Tina M Sullivan, Nourish Your Noggin (cookbook) which accompanies the treatments favored by Dr Diane. Dr Diane's book is also good, 'Coping with Concussion and Mild Traumatic Brain Injury'.
Hope you feel better soon!