I am trying to find out if you or someone you know who has suffered from as TBI had a follow up as a normal course of action on the Neurology Unit.
If so how long did it take them to call you back for a check up?
I am trying to find out if you or someone you know who has suffered from as TBI had a follow up as a normal course of action on the Neurology Unit.
If so how long did it take them to call you back for a check up?
Hi, I was never on a neurology unit because there was never a bed for me, but I had a follow up by the neurology team at
Sorry submitted that before I'd finished
12 months.
I had more follow ups by the rehab unit, one at 3 months then 6 months then 12 months at which point I was discharged and haven't seen anyone from those teams since, but have had hearing and sight tests organised through them.
Nothing now, my GP deals with me if I need any contact.
Janet xx
Thanks for that.
In our case he was still having speech problems, slow responses and dizziness. He rang them in Sept and Oct last year to request a follow up which was 8 & 9 months after his accident.
He had a severe stroke in the November. Busy recovering from that currently
I think it is a post code lottery as to whether there is much in the way of services post bi in your area. If you were at a hospital with a national bi specialist centre then more follow up is available. Because it was thought I had subclinical fits whilst in my coma I was followed up for epilepsy by a neurologist. Appt was about 3-4 months after discharge. But the neurologist would only review the epilepsy. The small community brain injury team of therapists e.g. physio, ot, etc, assessed me and initially felt I would continue to recover with no further intervention needed and it was me who referred myself back to them about 8 months later when I realised I was having lots of frontal brain injury problems. There were no doctors or consultants in the bi team so was very limited service. I would suggest that you ring the neurology unit and ask them as only they will know what you can expect from there service.
Hi, I was in addenbrokes and after I was released I had a check up some 7 months later, walked in Dr said you have a GCS of 15 and good bye!! But it is normal
12 months for me, it was a huge battle to see someone. In South Wales there is a small team that has to cover 10,000 sq miles! When I did see someone, it was part of a queue busting scheme and they spent less than 10 mins with me, most of which was reading my notes and the outcome - I have a head injury!
Thanks for that.
My husband asked for follow ups last Sept & Oct which was 8 & 9 months after his TBI as he was still suffering symptoms. They said not necessary. He had a severe stroke in November.
He is in Rehab still.
As bad as it seems, you probably had more support than some of us. 5 years after my accident the only thing I have had are assessment after assessment but no rehab or treatment.
What seems to happen is that once you are no longer critical and in any "health" danger you drop off the NHS radar. It really is a bizarre situation that as country we still have this way of treating people.
never but was referred to neurology 52 years after the event got ok except for minimal memory loss had to need a hint to remember things
My neurosurgeon told me I didn't need a followup visit unless there were noticeable issues, in thinking, reasoning, speech etc. Since, I didn't really have any issues after my TBI, after rehab etc, I didn't have a followup. Your case may be different...depending on any lingering issues.