Fred van den Broek, one of the managers I worked for at a bank many years ago, started a charity project to help brain tumor patients follow complex treatment programs using a mobile phone app. Fred was sick himself and his own tumor was not responding to treatment. He had worked in the design of apps for banking and put his knowledge of technology to good use to help his fellow patients.
He spent his last months designing MindApp and raising money for it to be built. The app has been financed by a crowd funding campaign,various sponsored events and generous donations from companies, such as Fred's employer ING. The VU Medical Centre in Amsterdam has also partnered with the team.
Fred passed away in August 2015. Fred was an inspiration to his family, colleagues, friends and his medical team.
I'm sure this project will be of interest to many members of the Headway forum. The app is currently being built by software developers in Amsterdam.
There is a preview of the functionality it will offer on the facebook page.
You can read more about Fred and his work here on these links, although some of the posts and videos are in Dutch. Many are in English.
Fred set up a charity foundation called Into The Clear:
If anyone at Headway wishes to contact the team building MindApp, the person who handles communication is Vincent van Dijk.