I had a head injury and had concussion. This was 3 weeks ago and now I'm really tired all the time and find it hard to concentrate or remember things
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hi and welcome these seem to be the normal with head trama my hubby had his brain bleed on the 4th of july and he suffers with this plus headeches and dizziness and spends most of his time sleeping
So sorry this happened. What you're experiencing is very normal for someone with a head/brain injury. I'm not sure where you're located, but Headway in the UK is a great resource. Even if you're not in the UK you can visit their highly helpful website here: headway.org.uk/ In the U.S. checkout biausa.org/ and brainline.org/ If you have questions, please feel free to ask here. There are plenty of very helpful people here who have gone through something similar to what you're experiencing. Best wishes to you.
Sleep = repair time with TBI. It is probably the one thing we all have in common as other things vary so much. In these early days one has no choice but to cooperate and assit one's brain to do the necessary. (Though having said that the medics need to be kept up to date with symptoms in case there is a bleed etc) After about six months it should settle but it does take time. Having said that my sleepiness carried on and I had to give up work and two decades later when I was in bed on oxygen I finally got referred to a respiratory consultant who wired me up for 24 hrs on a blood oxygen monitor and found that the reason I needed to sleep so much was that I wasn't breathing enough! This is most likely due to the injury of the medulla part of the rear centre brain which controls the nerve that triggers breathing - though my dozy neurologist is a blank on this; the huge crack in the rear of my jockey crash skull cap notwithstandng! When I talk I have to breath but when silent - alone, driving, sleeping - I do not breath and need to sleep. I expect this is a possible cause of long-term sleepiness in the brain injured (esp centre back) that is often overlooked...
I would def check up on what the part of your brain that took the force is supposed to do.
Cut yourself some slack though!

Hi thanks for your reply. Mine was on top of the head. I got whiplash from the force down. I'm not very patient being ill. I know that this seems to be taking a long time to be ok. I can't keep being off work
Try not to rush back these things do take time, maybe ask for phased return to work?
You can have a brain injury with out a bleed, one of the women at my local headway didn't loose consciousness brain injuries don't always leave obvious damage, even under scans etc.
An update on me. During the last month I have had short memory loss which has caused lots of problems. Burnt food doing things more than once.not knowing people had said anything. Now it's my mental agility and problem solving. I'm feeling much better in myself but feel what I can do is much less than before. Just hope this comes back x