Hi I'm Huw, I'm abit new to this so I don't really know what I'm doing haha! I am 20 years old and in January 2014 I was in a RTC and had a TBI I am recovering well, having a few problems with short term memory and slight depression I just wanted to meet more people who would understand what I've been through/am going through!
I'm still here : Hi I'm Huw, I'm abit new to this so... - Headway
I'm still here

Hi, welcome to this site.
You will find lots of people who understand, I had a server TBI 15 years ago, have suffered with sever depression in the past (every now and then it creeps up on me), have major issues with my short term memory (I damaged my left frontal and temporal lobes) and am a new suffer of anxiety (which Im on medication to)
Hi Bexx
How do you feel within yourself with it being 15 years ago? Obviously mine was not even 2 yet so it's still fresh if you know what I mean!
I feel fine, Im proof that if you sustain it when your younger your more likely to adapt to it (if that makes sense) I have 5 IT qualifications, a clean drivers license and work full time for local government, I have people tell me Im doing too much because I have a head injury ( via RTA, people say I went up approx. 30 ft ?!?!)and I hate it when people say that as Ive been brought up to not let my head injury hold me back. But I have suffered from serve depression, insomnia and Im now dealing with anxiety (which Im on medication for) Ive also suffered two collapsed lungs which has left me asthmatic due to suffering pneumonia in the coma and starting puberty, I was in a coma for a month, in the children's ward for a month and had speech therapy for 3 years, I had it for 7 years previous as I was born premature (2 months and 2 days weighing 1 pound 10 ounces) so I spoke backwards, Ive dealt with bullying through all of my secondary school, have an alcoholic mother (who has had several stokes and a triple heart by-pass but still continues to drink and smoke like shes 20) and after a 9 year absence my uncle has come back into my life (who due to too much cider drinking has a heart murmur) but Im still going strong (even if it means forcing some time away from myself in my favourite part of Devon for 5 hours)
Hi Huw
Welcome and feel free to ask anything.
Looking forward to your contributions.
Welcome! I was 20 when I had a stroke, so I feel your pain! Have you started to feel a bit more like yourself yet?
Hi welcome! iam non B.I my hubby is reacovering from aquired brain injury (A,B.I) so i joined for support and information,whitch i get!
Hi Huw welcome to the site
I was 19 when I suffered my first diagnosed TBI, but wasn't diagnosed for 4 years (earlier this year in february) you are in great company this forum is on of the best things that has happened to me over the past 4 years and I'm really glad I found this website not just for this forum but for a couple of other forums as well,
everyone is really nice on here and always willing to help other people out, feel free to post about anything that may trouble you, excite you, any questions that you may have,
Take care,
Siobhan x
Welcome aboard, Huw.
This is a fantastic forum, with a diverse spread of people.
I'm the grinchy auld hag who had a ruptured aneurysm at the end of February this year, I was irritable before...
Seriously, jump in, ask questions, or just vent, the people on here are incredibly helpful, and have empathy, and coping strategies that might help.
Hi Huw, Welcome and you will find a lot of people here who understand what you have been through and full of information with their experience strength and hope. I had a horrendous MX accident a few months ago and I'm repairing well but it takes time. The one thing iv really learned here is that your not alone and we really do know what your going through.
Times a great healer mate good to hear you. N
Hi Huw
I had my TBI in January 2013.
I now also have to take antidepressants and something for panic attacks!
I have a lack of coordination, bad balance, a weaker right side, double vision, and if I get tired, I slur in my speech!
I have been told I will be almost fine in 5-10 years, so Ive got a way to go! The hardest thing has been accepting the 'new' me. I still get very frustrated, but I suppose I have improved. Everyone tells me I have!
Good luck with your recovery!
Hi dear Huw
Sorry to hear about your BI - you have come to the right site for support, empathy, love and understanding - the Headway Forum has been a lifeline of all those things for me following a bad fall and sustaining a BI on March 28 2015.
I could not have accessed all the first hand information and help without this forum - we are blessed!
Take care and looking forward to chatting with you and a huge thank you from me to the Forum for helping me through the bad and better times - I was lost and you helped me find myself again ! xxxx
Hi Huw
Welcome! You have come to the right place; I find everyone on here so nice and it's great to share worries/concerns/things you are pissed off about with people who actually understand.
I was involved in an RTA in 2012 and suffered TBI as a result, and am just realising about living fully with such an injury. If you need any support or have questions, just ask on here and people will always try and help!
Big hug
Anna x