Hi all,
This has nothing to do with bi or anything connected ......but had to share.....or explode.
I am a grandpa again YEEEAAAHHH.
Yep a lovely grandson arrived this evening ...rather quickly but doing great.
I know this may not be the place but had to share with the people on here I class as friends.
I promise to stop grinning sometime this year.
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Great news.
You only have permission to stop grinning when you get baby sitting duties and the baby is teething.
Love n hugs
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Thanks Random.
Six years ago I became a grandpa...they stil make me grin.
Pax x
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Congratulations !!! Its amazing how a new life can help to heal that of an existing, if that makes sense. I'm so pleased for you xx
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Yes lou it certainly heals the bad days.
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Congratulations Pax to you and your family. Hope mum and little one continue to thrive and may you have years of grinning ahead of you!
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Such wonderful news .......don't stop grinning!!
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hey strawbery youve been quiet recentl
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Thanks for noticing. Been rather overwhelmed and emotionally struggling with lots of challenges in my life so that's been consuming my attention.
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aaaww hugs srawberry xx
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Thanks razy for the hugs x
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are things improving strawberry
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Lovely news many congratulations
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When my first grandson was born there was a strange but pleasant feeling of completeness that a part of me continues in another generation
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Fantastic news and thanks for sharing such happy news with us x
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Congrats Pax you are always welcome to share, keep grinning and may many blessings follow xx
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Weyyyy fantastic news! Congratulations, enjoy your new little bundle. xx
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paxo05 congrats it great to have something to lighten the mood.....hold on a mo......im sat in my study with a beer so ive just raised a glass to you and yours
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I'm so pleased for you Pax. New life always strikes me as miraculous despite being an everyday occurrence. I had the honour of being present at my grandson's birth & it was an overwhelming and amazing experience.
Best wishes to all of you !! xxx
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Thanks Cat.
Would have loved to have been at the birth.
Then my daughter shocked me by telling me she had made my wife record bits of the birth. She knew I would not have coped being at the birth.
Sat and watched my grandsons appearance into this world. Then spent 30 mins blubbering like the idiot I am.
Just to top it all its my birthday today and yes I had a great early present yesterday.
Pax x
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Happy Birthday Pax ! ................. not that the previous day can be improved on.
Yes, the birth of a loved one is a highly emotional event, and something we never, ever forget.
Go have some cake ! xxx
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Just about to tuck into chocolate cream and strawberry cake mmmm mmmm.
At least it has calcium and fruit in so technically is a healthy cake.
Pax x
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Fantastic Paxo.
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Whooo hoooo!
I love sharing in wonderful news, this made me smile, so thankyou π
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Congratulations! Thank you for sharing lovely news.
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AWESOME! nice one grandpa!
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Hi paxo,
Grandchildren and cake make equal happiness.
Since my B.I. we now have two grandchildren...Caleb 5 and Noah 6months
Caleb would say......nanan the cake is nice, but whys grandad snoring doesn't he want cake π΄π΄
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My youngest daughter was only 5 when I had my bi. Shes now 21.
Since then I have twin 6 year old grandaughters and now a grandson...............oh and of course more cake.
Pax x
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That's fantastic. I wouldn't worry, yes this is about bi however someone with bi who has happy news to share is brill. X congrats
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Great news!
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That's lovely news, congratulations to you all.
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Congratulations to all, what a lovely event to celebrate.
My grandson was born 3 weeks after my husbands BI & made life worth living again. X
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