Did you guys get good help and direction from your neuropsych or were you thrown out into the woods?? I feel like I just got thrown out.. "Your scores are too low" I can't help you. . I feel like I just got thrown out.
Neuropsychologist : Did you guys get good help and... - Headway

I had a very positive outcome with my neuropsychologist and after many visits we came to a mutual agreement that I didn't need to see her anymore. She always had plenty of time for me and I left her care in better shape than when I started.
Negeen your posts seem to have three central and recurring topics... your unhappiness with and anger at the neuropsychologist, your family not understanding or being supportive and your employment/study prospects.... and no matter what number or type of replies you have received previously, it appears nothing changes except perhaps the way the question is worded...
These are obviously huge issues for you and clearly are causing you great angst, which must be totally exhausting.... so as such do you think maybe it might help to discuss these issues with your therapist?
In one of the other threads about your Mother refusing to engage in therapy with you, it was suggested that perhaps you might find ways to move forward by trying to work on yourself and what you can change... ( no matter how hard we might wish or try, we can't change others, but we can change our own behaviours , attitudes and reactions) so as well as helping with family issues, perhaps the therapist can also help you to explore what happened with the neuropsychologist and how this aspect of things has left you feeling and then look at how you can find ways to move forward from here.... If you are paying for therapy, you may as well get your money's worth and let them have the lot
I fully suspect that all of these issues are interlinked (life is complicated and its never just one thing) and all of these issues no doubt have an impact on how you feel about your prospects, but all the empathy and understanding we can give, although perhaps temporarily comforting in some small way, clearly just isn't helping.... so maybe the therapist could be the person to help you untangle the messes, resolve the issues and help you make sense of it all.
It must be so awful to be so stuck... I really hope you will find the help you need.
Did he actually say that? If he did, then he is obviously lousy at his job. He will be the one losing income, from a patient. Your better off w/o that doctor, and I would simply look for a new neuropsychologist.
Find a better neuropsychologist. I can never seem to spell that word right, so I had to copy and paste from you ... LOL
My neuropsychologist was also very cruel. She told me that my memory, and other parts of my cognition would 'never' return. She may have realized that I had a fighting personality, but she was probably just a miserable jerk. I told her what she could do wt her opinion, and never looked back.
I get the feeling that here in the UK our National Health Service can be driven by statistics. If progress is likely to be slow they are unlikely to invest time and resources because it will make them look inefficient.
Long term rehab seems to be in the realm of family and carers unless you have resources or very good insurance. Or does anyone know different?
I don't know if that is the position you are in Negeen?

No, he said nothing can help me because it has been too long since my injury and any healing has already taken place.

I agree to a certain extent devasted, I had my hi/bi over 3 and a half years ago, the day after i had my fall i was discharged didn't get told about what is happening next if i'm seeing a neurologist even though is was clear I wasn't right, but they said i was fine, I've got problems with my legs and I've had 2 problems nearly all my life (i'm 22years old) and 1 problem I've had for at least 6 years, and I've been waiting for over 2 months now but it's closer to 3 months now for a refferal from the hospital and if my legs get worse it could mean my muscles in my legs dying but the hospital doesn't seem to care much, been to see loads of doctors and specialists for both problems but been told i'm fine get on with my life, but i've perserving and hopefully get the referral i need, and get everything sorted even if it takes years,
I've got muscles dying off. Happened really fast inside right knee/above = where had massive twitches. Gradually left followed but that still not as severe as right. And arms, round inside elbows = lost muscle very fast, skin hanging off. Then right upper arm and now gradually left one, twitches under it. And from my back which went super-stiff immediately, and bum/tops thighs. Awful, not my body, still shocks me to see (forget). Why don't the docs take notice?

I honestly don't know why docs don't take notice of their patients, it's now over 4 months and have had to go back to my GP to get another referral for my legs, I'm going to book another appointment to see my GP or a doctor because I honestly don't even know who my doctor is to be honest this week, but I'm going to hopefully get a referral to see another neurologist because the last one didn't even let me ask any questions about my recovery or why I'm like I am today.
My muscles seem to be dying slowly, I have exertional anterior compartment syndrome, which basically means the skin around the muscle doesn't expand even though the muscle needs room to expand, so I think 1 of 2 things will happen, 1, they will die or 2, they will burst out of the skin and result in massive amount of blood going outside of my blood vessels, muscles etc. I have had this syndrome for 6 years now and it's only getting worse. hope you manage to get a doctor to listen to you and you get treatment to help you, wish you the best for the future.
Thanks, you too. Surely there must be some way of preventing further muscle loss? Not sure but think for me nerves too damaged and not regrown, just a guess probably wrong and exercise and walk as I do = still getting worse but more slowly than a start.

There is an operation that could be done, but I don't think the doctor's think I'm in too much pain when in reality I'm always in pain with my legs, I'm also going to book another appointment with the orthotic doctors, the op they can do is where they cut open my leg and then my muscle and put a skin graft over the cut so it makes the skin around the muscle bigger and more room for the muscle to move, but that has never come up, it's been insoles that don't help, been given 4 different insoles and not one has helped, plus electrotherapy from a physio for 5 weeks, feel like going for a massive run before an appointment and just sitting in front of the orthotic doctor and moaning how bad they are and crying to see if they will actually do something that will help. I'm sorry for the mini rant.
Thank you, here's hoping that doctor's will start to listen to people like us instead of fobbing us off and leaving us in pain.
Not sure i did. I was refered after my tbi after electric shock type symtoms that shook me when asleep or nodding off, pretty freaky. Told this was exploding head syndrome and was out the door before i had sat down, well almost. I too wonder if we are looked at as almost a lost cause. I now would hesitate that any help apart from self is worth while. Keep with it ).
Hi, not sure if thats relates too me having 2 grown up girls probably around your age that have seen their Dad struggle for the last year. I keep encouraging them to try and make the most of life and that despite all these changes there is always a positive somewhere.
I was just left to get on with life, it is true though that you can work through a TBI, I have took 20+ years to get somewhere like normality (whatever that is ) still have problems but at least I am not crazy like I was then

That's cool, so you have like a middle class life?

That's cool, so you have like a middle class life?