When you take neuropsych testing and you fall into the "borderline impaired" range... I hate my life.
"Borderline Impaired": When you take neuropsych... - Headway
"Borderline Impaired"

Negeen I totally empathise with you. I have completed a lengthy neuropsycho testing, and informed lat week my auditory and visual skills are mild to moderately impaired, same with my memory, planning and executive function, I.e. proble solving I think. where does this leave us? I thought I would feel better once results were obtained, but I do not. I know I have problems but to hear it in black and white is hard to swallow. Neuropsych says there are ways of coping strategies to improve this. Is it the result which frustrates you or the lack of assistance to help you with coping strategies?
It's mainly the lack of assistance. I got these bad scores and then just kind of got thrown out like "goodluck I can't do anything for you.'
I perhaps go back and say you need occupational therapy to improve your cognition. plus side it is on the mild side so with the right help you CAn improve. if this avenue does not work seek others, look to engaging with OT yourself. I had one for 4 months. At the beginning I was reported to be in the bottom 20th percentile, but he helped me improve. We do also improve with time albeit slowly. Last year I could not tolerate going out in the evening, now I can if I pace myself. If there is a will, there is a way. our NHS system is quite bureaucratic , and takes forever, and therapy is timescale limited. I.e. when you can just see the improvements my sessions end. Good luck Negeem x