Today I collected Widget, my daxie, from the vet hospital, after her back operation last Wednesday. She still cannot move her back legs or walk, but she has a little feeling. Now we are both neurological cases!
Widget: Today I collected Widget, my daxie, from the... - Headway

Awww, hope she makes a good recovery. Just think how we humans suffer when we do our backs in, so in that respect she might be a while before she feels like moving. Time for some pampering!

Thanks so much for your kind thoughts.
I imagine it'll be a while before she comes through the healing process. What has the vet told you regarding the success of the op. & the prognosis ?
That's good to hear. All best wishes, Cat xx
I hope she has a smooth recovery! It took my feet a long time to come back after my spinal surgery. I'm sure she will be on her feet soon x
Yes, let's pray. I've also had two lumbar fusions, so I understand backs pretty well!
I have told our two dogs and they are praying too
I hope she gets better.
I was surprised and intrigued by your title. Before my 12-year-old was born, we always called her 'Widget". "Ooh, Rob, I can feel Widget kicking again!" Our 9-year-old was called Gizmo.
Thank you!
Dogs are strong so fingers crossed your dog will walk again.
Good luck Widget xx
Asked my Facebook group to pray for Widget 39 people in different countries already joined us.
Great news - good signs
Hows your doggie
She is about the same as yesterday. I suppose, like me, it's gonna be a time before she walks again. Apparently the surgeon did not say when she might walk. I think this silly brain of mine was just being hopeful!