Is there a difference?
Brain Damage vs Brain Injury : Is there a difference? - Headway
Brain Damage vs Brain Injury

As I understand it is possible for there to be damage without obvious injury (caused by disease for example) and there can be injury without lasting damage... so I would say yes there is a difference.
Another philosophical question?
Is injury without lasting damage also known as denial ?????
In some cases possibly - and we often see this in high profile people who in the process make the rest of us feel inadequate because we did not miraculously bounce back ...but people can and do recover from mild BI.
Injury had very much lasting damage. My son had a brain injury 18months ago and will suffer the damage caused for the rest of his life. So in our case one is very much the same as the other xx
I think that a brain injury is possibly caused by a head injury yet Brain Damage can be caused by anything such as disease etc
I had a brain injury, therefore I have brain damage.
Its strange but I too sustained a TBI and I have to deal with the long term effects of the damage caused by the injury and yet I consider myself to be "brain injured" rather than "brain damaged" ... I had never even considered this until now... it is interesting... perhaps its that I choose not to accept/embrace/adopt the word "damaged"... and the negativity associated with it. I am most certainly not in denial about my injury and its effects...
Yep... but I still found it interesting form my own perspective...seems I am a proper little ray of positivity today LOL
I don't call it 'injury' or 'damage'. I call it Geoff
I call mine 'Brian' as that's how I kept mistyping it for ages. Brian's responsible for a lot of things CalamityJane would never have done/said.

Lol that's really cute "Brian"