Who here struggles with spatial navigation? I know I do!
Spatial Navigation: Who here struggles with spatial... - Headway
Spatial Navigation
Assuming i've not got the wrong end of the stick, no far from it I have what my wife calls "Google Earth in my head" ie I have 3D maps/models of various building I go to so Hospitals/Colleges so on.
I can hold entire cities and counties like London like this, some areas have less detail but I know their reltive postions etc.
when ever i've been tested for various dyslexic tests my spacial reasoning is in the top percentile, plenty of other things like working memory are in the bottom percentile like many dyslexics I have a jaggy line with peaks and troughs, while most people have a smoother line.
Roger, i'm jealous!! That's pretty amazing thar you're so good at it! I'm jealous of you, maybe I coukd borrow that from you pleasee.
I can't find my way out of bed most of the time
I am rubbish on foot can't get from a to b without walking into something / someone but when driving don't have any problems wonder why?
I can't/won't drive post TBI because my spatial awareness is off kilter (as is my attention span and startle reflex) and it would be both stupid and dangerous.When I am walking along it is off too but the worse that has happened so far is that I have p**sed people off because my unintentionally meandering route has invaded theirs or I have tried to walk through a space that was simply not big enough for two people to pass at the same time.
Aww Iforget, that's rough! I always lean to my right when I walk but I'm pretty sure I've done that since I was a child.
To be honest Negeen this is possibly the least of my problems and one I actually find it fairly easy to laugh off... I always apologise if I walk into someone and if they can't accept and get past it ,then they may be the one with a problem
Watching someone seriously determined to fit a round peg in a square hole can be quite amusing I am told... If I ever lose my sense of humour they may as well shoot me LOL