Has anyone with a Hypoxic/Anoxic/SAH made it back into the work force post injury?
The Work Force & the ABI : Has anyone with a Hypoxic... - Headway
The Work Force & the ABI
Yes I did but had all sorts of problems especially at times of stress now back off sick and recieving treatment
I'm so young. So the goal really is to become a functioning member of society but i'm not sure that's possible because the stats r not good for ppl with an abi.
I had my injury @13 went from AA*** pupil to just scraping O'levels due to unable to concentrate I had 3 jobs which I lost to after effects finally found a near menial job which I had for 20 years due to understanding employer, then found another job but found myself unable to cope with people skills due to my injury as per headway leaflet which outlines problems people have after an TBI
sorry to ramble but it is possible to do a job with limitations does that make sense???????
Wow your job experiences havent been so tremendous. I don't want it to be like that for me.
May be with the help you get today compared to 50yrs ago your experience will be different hope so good luck
I have a different injury mine is diffuse axonal injury. I worked in air traffic control before my injury, with poor immediate recall, short term memory and inability to focus or concentrate I could not go back to that. I did everything I could to get well. I tried college, not allowed to take the exam at end of course. I then did art, it was fantastic because you can't fail at art. I developed my listening skills. My social interaction skills and my planning. It was fantastic. I was also doing rehab in the gym building up my stamina and strength, in the pool working on mobility and balance.
It was 8 yrs before I was ready to try work. I did volunteering and from that was offered an hour a day paid work Monday to Friday. It was then extended gradually. I now work 25 hours each week. I get extra hours some weeks but I really feel the effects when I do. I'm so proud to be earning no matter how basic the job is, no matter that the contract is temporary and runs from term to term. It's not secure but I try not to stress about this.
It's not healthy to live by statistics because we are all different. Statistics can be altered to suit whoever wants a certain outcome. Positivity and reality are the two things you should live by.
Hi, I have always been in well paid jobs, I was a train driver for First Great Western. Now I cannot see any future as I cannot even rely on myself now, I am only 42 and do not know how to move forward. I had an SAH caused by a ruptured aneuysm and since them have memory problems. I am an inelegant guy and still have my logic but no longer can comprehend more complex tasks. What do I do now at 42? I am now in the wrag group so hoping that I can find something I can do!