Hi everyone
Autumn is here. Hope you are enjoying the changing colours around us.
My level of fatigue is hard to manage some 20 months after surgery even with the pacing strategies which i have to do. In geberal, I tend to get drowsy/sedated on medication. I came off the anti seizures (they had me sleeping forever more) then some months later I reduced my dose of anitdepresseant because the fatigue still ruled my life and I fit very little in to a day and I sleep a lot.
I defintely see a pattern with cognitive exertion. I suffer with fatigue (and head heat/body heat) when I engage my brain, that applies to all things but it is harder hitter with new things like new admin processes. However, I had severe depression before my surgery so the situation is looking like that is on the cards too. The thing is I do not recognise having depression because I am naturally a positive thinking person, however if you look at my behaviours I ressemble a depressed person. I understand there is an overlap between AQI and depression and it is hard to work out....
I have recently stopped taking my antidepressant by weaning off over a long time to ensure no side affects but I had already lowered the dose to see if fatigue levels improved (they did not) and weaning off went well.
I am now in a situation where I think I need to speak to the GP about possible severe depression and the possible need to try another antidepressant. In my life I have had 3 types of antidepressant, and had to stop all of them for feeling sleepy. Two of them were years before brain bleeds. I do not want to be on them because of the risk of increased drowsiness and other side affects. I have got my anxiety under control and I really do not want anxiety levels rising through side effects, also nausea and other not pleasant things.
I have read quite a lot of Cat's posts about her experiences of trialling and testing many different types over a 12 months period until finding one that matched her psyiological needs and made a good different quickly. This is what makes it tempting to try another... If I do have severe depression then it is not going to get better by itself... I either hibernate forever more which is not fair on my faily and my overall health is getting impacted on negatively.
Then I have the obstacle of speaking to a GP who will not know me, I have no knowledge of their skills in this area with an ABI in the mix and it is exhausting thinking of communicating with them.
I googled neuropsychiatrist because I know they have expertise in the drugs and the brain...nothing came up locally and I already know they will cost too much than I can afford. Plus how many times would you need to see them? If they are monitoring me then is it worth the money because a GP can do that based on the symptoms I tell them....
I dont really know why I am writing this now...! Except, it is confusing me.
If you're reading it and you have anything to say please do.