Get the endorphins going!: Following all our... - Headway


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Get the endorphins going!

21 Replies

Following all our conversations my MP3 is now stuck to my head, I have everything from Chopin to Cannibal Corpse on there so here goes a brilliant time!

21 Replies
Danslatete profile image

My I pod is like that too. I have everything from Chopin thru Disney and Metallica to gaga boy zone, love it like that because there is always music to suit my mood, or relax me or chill me out!

Bards profile image

As part of my 'coping with isolation, too much time to think' strategy I bought a drum kit at the age of 43 (2yrs ago). Has worked brilliantly for me (if not universally popular...!). My two ABI tunes are 'Check My Brain' by Alice in Chains and'How You Like Me Now' by The Heavy; give them a go? My favourite sources for my scattergun tastes are BBCR6 and The Yank Sizzler podcast, but like you I also like some classical (Stravinsky's Rites of Spring being one). Spotify has definitely improved my quality of life :-). Nothing wrong with silence, but a bit of music to get your emotions activated never hurts. There's a whole lot out there, that's for sure. Will try the recommendations

in reply to Bards

I love Alice in Chains & Jerry Cantrell's solo stuff. Clever you playing the drums I have no hand eye coordination these days so there's no way I could do that. used to play the piano but can't read music anymore. Will definitely try your other recommendations, I'm about to do some MP3 sownloads now.

Music has always been my release, when I used to go to gigs for that couple of hours nothing else existed - I was in Nirvana (no pun intedned!) Same when I listen to MP3 these days.

Take care in the storms xx

Bards profile image
Bards in reply to

I used to play a teensy bit of piano also, but found I couldn't remotely remember the notes anymore; hence drums. I'm still shite, far too many ghost notes I can't calm down on, but not as bad as expected, and whetever, I enjoy it! Layne Staley - a very sad way for a life to go. I just got the film 'Anvil' out from the library yesterday; should be a Spinal Tap hoot. Still not seen the Metallica film, either. Recommended?

in reply to Bards

Layne Staley is a blast from the past, Yes it was sad , seems a long time ago now. Ditto Kurt Cobain. I'm not a huge Nirvana fan but what a waste. Yes Metallica film well worth a look. Have you ever seen Bad News & more Bad News a spoof rock band on tour 'documentary' done by the Comic Strip people. Has Rik Mayell, Ade Edmondson, Nigel Planner et al in it. Absolutely brilliant, had me crying with laughter. Funny thing was they actually played live at Donington & the crowd booing had to be faked as they were so good!

If you can get hold of it give it a try.

Bards profile image
Bards in reply to

I was lucky enough to catch Spider and Vim at Reading (possibly same year as ButtholeSurfers?). I think Brian May and Lemme might have been part of the larking- they were as you say, unexpectedly good! Haven't seen it for ages; will track it down. Good shout :-) The Comic Strip were always a bit hit or miss for me;5 Go Mad, Fistful of Travellers' Cheques and the Al Pacino Miners' Strike definitely hit the mark though. Ade Edmonsham still gets out and gigs quite a bit with his band and the Bonzos but I've never caught them. So much music, so little time... will definitely make a point of Metallica now - everyone loves to see Lars making a prize bell of himself.

Mikesghost profile image

I like everything from Adele to Carcass although classical music generally leaves me cold.

in reply to Mikesghost

Carcass Heartwork - brill!

Bards profile image
Bards in reply to Mikesghost

'Crepitating Bowel Disorder' - great name for a tune! I've never beeb a huge fan of extreme metal, but them, Fudge Tunnel and the woefully overlooked Prophecy of Doom were irresistable. Never thought I'd see Carcass name checked on an ABI forum :-)

in reply to Bards

Try Mayhem's Chainsaw Guts there is another syllable but can't put it on, is rude & I'd get kicked off th site! Check their track titles out onAmazon & you'll see wht I mean! As for Carcass, never tought I'd see it here in a million years

Fudge Tunnel cool too. Don't know all the a's are yellow must've pressed something stupid. Looks very rock & roll doesn't it...

in reply to

All the letter a were yellow I promise but they've chaged back now.I'm not crazy II promise!

in reply to

Just to let you know I am a girl - women do get things right sometimes!

Bards profile image
Bards in reply to

Thanks for 'Gut ahem'; new on me and immediately Starred on Spotify. Fudge Tunnel had memorable tunes as well as attitude and humour. Thanks Zeblet - I'm now fully regressing nearly 20yrs. A man easily led!

Mikesghost profile image
Mikesghost in reply to Bards

Carcass have some hilarious song titles, "Cadaveric Incubator Of Endo-parasites" for example. I was dubious when they reformed earlier this year and recorded a new album but Surgical Steel is brilliant and the full album is available for free on youtube, I just had to buy it on CD though ;-)

in reply to Mikesghost

I didn't know they'd reformed - is the lineup the same? Christmas has gone to hell in a handcart cos of the weather my partner can't get out of his village & can't get out of mine so I'll listen to it & cheer myself up. I'm dying for Emperor to reform as I never did get to see them.

Thanks for the tip.

I love being able to talk about 'my' music no one else gets it!

Mikesghost profile image
Mikesghost in reply to

It's the classic In the Nightside Eclipse lineup so will be brilliant!

in reply to Mikesghost

Wacken...Bard Faust..Ihsahn & Samoth & I can't go. Seriously robbed this time. My only consolation is that I saw Samoth with Zyklon when they were supporting Morbid Angel. What a mad gig that was!

I used to go to Dynamo in Eindhoven, saw Dimmu Borgir, Immortal & Mayhem there which started my Black Metal passion. Also saw Cradle of Filth, really like some of their stuff too.

I'll try to remember to check Yutube once Wacken's been & gone. Someone will put it on there surely.

Mikesghost profile image
Mikesghost in reply to

I've been into Black Metal since the beginning when Venom released their debut single In League With Satan in '81 and their incredible debut album, Welcome to Hell! Plus of course the incredible Bathory! My interest in the genre was reignited many years later when the whole Norwegian scene broke out with all the insanity of Church burnings and murder. Strangely I have never seen a BM band live but I'm only 50 and haven't given up hope yet!

in reply to Mikesghost

I was in my early 20s in 981 & was still a pop Diva! Some of that will stay with me cos I had so much fun with it, I saw the light when I saw Metallica & Guns N Roses on the telly at the Freddie Mercury Tribute concert in 1992 & it's descended down the heavy line since then. Compared to BM Metallica sound like a boy band.

I love Immortal Blashyrkh Mighty Raven Dark, musicianship is incredible. Is there anything more extreme than that? Let me know. Don't want to rub it in but they were incredible live in a small venue in London, what an atmosphere. I have some pretty obscure Polsh stuff, unfortunately my CD tower is jammed against the wall so I can't turn it to get anything out. I'll let you know about the Polish stuff once I can move it, you may enjoy.

You're 50s is the best time to listen to BM (I'm just 55 on 21st December)

Mikesghost profile image
Mikesghost in reply to

I like most genres of music and I'm as likely to listen to Adele or Mum as BM these days. I think there are more extreme styles of metal out there, some death metal for instance but extreme for extreme's sake does little for me. I have some Polish Black Metal somewhere and even a Christian BM album but my house is in such chaos I'm not sure where they are!

in reply to Mikesghost

Ilike some Death but it's not all my cup of tea.

I have some excellent dance/club type stuff - Orbital, chemical Brothers. Underworld etc & I really like Faith No More & the Wildhearts. They mostly remind me of good times & are a real antidont to the bad days.

My mood usuallydictates what I listen to, sometimes I just want quiet, praceful music.

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