The Tribunal: It was today, 10am. 'We have received... - Headway


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The Tribunal

BaronC profile image
20 Replies

It was today, 10am.

'We have received no reply or evidence from the DWP since we requested it in March'.

I have a letter from said agency, dated Sept (that I produced at the tribunal) stating. 'We have sent all evidence to the tribunal and they are in receipt of it'. The judge was livid. The DWP have now lied on separate occasions to myself, to my partner, to my MP and now, to the tribunal judge.

And... 'Despite a letter confirming a doctor would attend on the DWP's behalf, nobody arrived today'.

Also the judge produced a backdated letter from the DWP stating that they have no fresh evidence after February 2012. So, the original decision AND the appeal decision were made without viewing ANY evidence whatsoever, either their own or the pages of letters from specialists that I provided (and took copies of today).

The judge was excellent, full of apologies and promised a written decision in 2-3 weeks. I'm paraphrasing, but,

'If I knew I had the authority, I would make my decision right now, but I want the DWP to have NO comeback on this matter'.

I would have been furious, but to be honest, I wasn't at all surprised. It appears the drive to get people off sickness benefits is being conducted using guesswork.

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BaronC profile image
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20 Replies
brighton88 profile image

Congratulations so pleased to hear things are at last going your way. When I became ill my employer (a local authority) refused to accept I was or had been ill, advising me to 'return to work and hit the ground running or be dismissed'. They hounded me for two years making me even more ill than I was. By chance I met a woman who was chairman/woman of a big London law firm who said she would take my case on at no charge. The day before my case went to court I received a letter from the head of services apologising for their conduct, offered compensation and a pension. It is a disgrace the way disabled people are treated by employers and in your case DWP. Good for you so pleased things are going your way.

BaronC profile image
BaronC in reply to brighton88

Cheers, mate, thanks for that. Yes, it seems in most cases those who are prepared to fight come out smiling. Even then though, after a whole host of worries and stress. It's not over yet, but hoping there's at least some light from here on

Joey53 profile image
Joey53 in reply to brighton88

Dear Sir,hope you are well,just saw your post,saying about a Law Firm to represents you,could you please,send me the name +telephone numbers+adresses,please,Iam desparetely for helps,my MP;Greg Hands,for fulham and chelsea,has so far done absolutely nothing!!had also write to Jeremy Corbyn,and others MPs but nothing!!my case worker,is very slowly,complacante,acceptfs everything,mistakes from DWP s,as normal!I have been for 9/10 months strougling ,just had 2 brain Aneurysm surgeries,as a results of 9/10 months without eat or sleeps porper!!had recently attempted suicide,overdoses,which I still comteplates!!,as I have being leaving in tottaly isolation,without any supportes for at least13,5 years!

Could you please,send me all the details of the Law Firm!?


cat3 profile image

Does anyone get called to account after such amazing incompetence and time-wasting or can they hide indefinitely underneath a heap of bureaucracy ?

BaronC profile image
BaronC in reply to cat3

The second option, hide. That's all they've done in my case for almost a year now. Except bizarrely they are hiding behind lies, lies in letter form that I can produce at any time

cat3 profile image

Yes Andy, you have the proof......... and people of substance on your side this time. Be great to have it resolved by Xmas, I certainly hope so. Take care xx

BaronC profile image
BaronC in reply to cat3

Thank you, very kind. You take care too x

Boo40 profile image

Very good! Excellent news, and further proof, if it were ever needed, of the corruption and incompetence DWP employ.

I have my Tribunal next week, after spending almost a year with no benefits, well 25 a week! And having my own Mother use her own money to keep me going, it really is criminal.

I fortunately have someone from the Royal British Legion coming with me next week, and I have already warned him that I have anger issues, and will almost certainly verbally abuse the Judge and Dr should they press the right buttons! And he has been warned that verbal abuse is a pre-cursor to my getting violent....

But he seems to think I will be quite surprised, and they may even be nicey nicey, in order to soften me up.

Either way, If I do win, then I am going to put in a claim to the DWP for the money my Mom has paid me, plus the debt that I have got into purely because of them removing my benefits when I am clearly not fit for work!

BaronC profile image
BaronC in reply to Boo40

Yes, you hang on in there, you have to. Never let the ba****ds grind you down

Boo40 profile image
Boo40 in reply to BaronC

Thank you!

Kirk5w7 profile image
Kirk5w7 in reply to Boo40

Hi, the judge and doctor are totally independent of the DWP, so have no hidden agenda, just to ensure justice prevails, so it should be ok for you, mine didn't want me stressed unduly so told me the decision before I sat down, I'm sure it'll be finexxJanet

Boo40 profile image
Boo40 in reply to Kirk5w7

Thanks, I didn't know they were independent, that has eased my mind a little..

Kirk5w7 profile image
Kirk5w7 in reply to Boo40

Yes, they explained that to me at mine so relax a little, they upheld mine on the grounds I would be a health and safety risk to myself and others in the workplace, hope it goes well xxxx

Kirk5w7 profile image

Well done, I think it sounds like its going to be fine, best wishes Janet xxxx

Danslatete profile image

I went to tribunal for my benefits after the accident. I waited a lot, I went in and was asked two questions that I remember of and then they gave me a letter with the decision on it. I still have it! I was refused twice after filling in Reims of paper but it got back dated. Pity it all changed because I don't get sick benefits any longer but I do still get dla till they change that!

I forgot to say good luck that you get the right outcome!

vimto profile image

Fingers crossed you get the out come that you are due to. Sending you our best wishes .

BaronC profile image
BaronC in reply to vimto

Thanks, much appreciated

ricozoe profile image

hope they sort it out asap ,for you

spartan300 profile image

still waiting for my atos medical this should be fun lets see what bull s--t the come up with. they cannot dispute the brain scan and other tests so lets see if they are going to give me my benefits back, the dwp said they know I cannot work so I don't understand the problem, what part of permanent brain damage and permanent serious damage to my nervous system don't they understand?

Joey53 profile image

Dear BaronC,just saw your post now,I also went recently in the court,and for the ;"6!! times,the DWP/jobseekallowence department lost my documents,on court,;me and my case workers,had sent all the evidences sinces 2,5 weeks,but they did not received,!Iam furious !!,just being recovering from 2 surgeries,Brain Aneurysm,(stills have another 1 to be treats/operates!!),my Aneurysms are the results,of being without proper sleeps or eating for +-9/10 months,in tottaly isolation,without any supports at all,as my family and friends are in Holland and germany..,my case worker,I am not very happy,as he accepts everything as just a normal!!had asked him to Tuffes up..!but he is too slowly,unficcient!!,would you have any infos,regarding,where I could finds a Law Firms,well stabilished!!to helps me ,to represents me on the next court appeals...,Iam been leaving in a torture !!a leaving hell!!I have many others conditions ,such as ;Hiv+ with lots of lots of attacconditions!+ severely Phulmonary Ephysem +Severy Phancreatic failure,duo incontinnences,including bloody dhiarreira daily..I really need a Proactive+Dynamic+Assertive; solicitor/lawyer to helps/represents me,please,if you have any addresses or names of the any Law Firms!


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