Another good thing about brain injury is watching films that you've seen before, is like seeing them for the first time. The downside of this is: after a while you can't remember from the title if you have seen them before, until you've started watching again, and then very slowly it begins to dawn that you have seen it before.
Watching movies: Another good thing about brain... - Headway
Watching movies

i love movies and can get totally lost in them they are my escape from life
(i allegedly download loads and have a hard drive full of movies i watch whenever i cant sleep or when i need to escape from life
i have an account on and make lists of films i have watched and my favourite films etc..
i tend to like newer films so my list changes a lot
you have to assume that blockbusters such as lord of the rings, star wars, star trek are automatically at the top of my list
currently my list stands at (and there are films i cant remember or forgot to add to the list too
The Eagle 2011
The Bang Bang Club 2010
Django Unchained 2012
Watchmen 2009
The Hurt Locker 2008
The World's Fastest Indian 2005
Bronson 2008
Green Zone 2010
Zero Dark Thirty 2012
Hanna 2011
Hurt locker is brill. Love the atmosphere x
Sorry, thought it was naff. No comparison to 'Warriors'
'The Pianist'
'Full Metal Jacket'
'The Wind That Shakes The Barley'
And for maximum amusement 'American Weirwolf In London'
Just my humble opinion folks.........If we didn't have varied tastes there'd be fewer films available.
I have been misunderstood, but if you want to talk about favourite films..............I can't remember if I have a favourite but The Hurt Locker and The Wind That Shakes The Barley do stand out.
We HAVE strayed from your original question. Sorry phil.
Frequently, I will switch on a film after being told "You've seen this before--you didn't like it". I continue watching and after about half an hour or so I say "I've seen this before and it's crap----why did you let me watch it ?"
But certain titles, like those above, are memorable, and you're right------the tenth time of watching is just like the first. x
Well I'm into OLD SKOOL ACTION FILM, and Asian cinema.
Die hard the collection it's how I use to live my life, 1 man going against the world/the lot!
Storm riders, I've got the vcd version, no money to buy the dvd version,yet???
Do you remember the movie, but not how it goes???
I use to be a film buff, back in the 90's.
But not anymore and I've lost all my white hairs, I started to have white hairs, when I was 14 years old, due to all them films I watched.
Like I remember watching movies, but not how it goes!.
I find now that if there are other reasons to tie me to a film then I try my hardest to remember them. My family are Irish, and it is impressed upon me to like anything to do with Ireland. The Wind that Shakes the Barley is one. Because of the way Irish people were treated.
As per usual with head injuries, there are a few people out there who have not understood my original blog. I was not talking about favourite films or the type of film I like to watch, but more the feeling you get when watching films, any films you like, the feeling is still the same. WOW! I've never seen this film before. But because you, like me have no memory, we can't remember breakfast let alone what films we've seen. I hope I've cleared that up.
Oh It's not just me then??!! when ever i am watching a film (and that's all i seem to watch on T.V)
when my children ask me what am i watching i have to prees the information button as i am lost in the film and dont even remember the title....That goes for the DVD.s as well
I went to a sort of college a few years ago where I was taught strategies with how to cope with a brain injury. Nowadays some of that tuition is still apparent in my life. Such as writing things down. I have calenders and notice boards strategically placed so that every piece of information I receive is written down, and dates in the calender ticked off with explanations as to why they're ticked. Now I have to have work done in my flat and I have to relocate all memory "sticks". Stress.....I never realised there could be so much stress involved in moving a notice board.