Hi there.
{40y/o , male, family man, previous half marathon runner, currently very unwell]
Been suffering symptoms (eg Fatigue, exercise intolerance, body aches and pains, terrible brain fog, sleep disturbance abdominal pains, etc) for a long time and had a multitude of blood tests and investigations, 99% of which come back normal.
The main noteworthy things on my file are raised ferretin (last checked 700), some borderline liver markers, more recently a low/borderline cortisol number (within range) and heterozygous for c282y.
Some figures:
Ferretin (trending upwards):
Jan24 - 610
May24 - 624
Oct24 - 701
Jan24 - 19.7
May24 - 26.7
Oct24 - 20.4
Serum transferrin:
Jan24 - 2.07
May24 - 1.92
Oct24 - 2.28
Se unsat binding capacity:
Jan24 - 52
May24 - 48
Oct24 - 57
Transferrin % saturation (16-50)
Jan24 - 38%
May24 - 56%
Oct24 - 36%
Albumin (35 - 50)
Jan24 - 44
May24 - 43
Oct24 - 48
Total protein (60 - 80)
Jan24 - 72
May24 - 68
Oct24 - 75
Alkaline phosphate (30 - 130)
Jan24 - 72
May24 - 70
Oct24 - 84
Serum bilirumen (below 21)
Jan24 - 7
Oct24 - 10
Serum ALT (0-41)
Jan24 - 37
Oct24 - 38
Plasma gamma GT (below 60)
Jan24 - 40
Oct24 - 36
So my question really is, after many specialists and investigations not finding a problem/diagnosis, could hemochromatosis be the cause of my health issues? Should treatment/investigation have been instigated based on May24's figures there?
The GP has obviously stated as I only have one copy of the HFE gene confirmed from the NHS tests I shouldn't have issues with hemochromatosis. I believe this is the general rule, but considering I've had many in depth investigations in other areas and am having major health problems, is it possible that a long term (years) high ferretin is the actual cause rather than knock on effect and is it worth asking for treatment (i.e phlebotomy)?
Any help, opinions, advice offered will be greatly received.
Many thanks in advance.