What do you wish you were told at dia... - Gluten Free Guerr...
What do you wish you were told at diagnosis?

I wish someone had pointed out that bread and cake are not the be all and end all.
Too much emphasis is put on baked goods by everyone, from the dieticians to Coeliac UK. From the way people carry on you'd think people NEED bread to live, and it took me a while to realise that simply isn't true.
More focus needs to be put on naturally gf food by all health professionals.
I agree with ThatPandaGirl, now that I am no longer bothered about finding the perfect, bread, cake or processed anything. I am much more adventurous about naturally occurring GF foods. Plus I wish they told you how to deal effectively when you get glutened because it happens to all of us at some time.
Totally agree, life is much better with out bread. Others seem to have much more of a problem with me "missing out" on bread. Info I would have liked is where to watch out for hidden gluten, stock, sauces, oven chips, anything deep fried, anything diet.
What I wished they had said was....janie now your coeliac, you will drop 3 stone in weight, grow 5 inches in height and your skin will look 10 years younger....

so true be 4 i had lost 2stone and now 18months later have put it all back must be all the good heathy food lol or i like it so much eat a lot lol x

You grew in height? Is that actually possible!? Blimey

Ha so true Janie - if only eh...they never say you'll lose weight and then start putting it on as you begin to absorb food properly! Or have clothes a few sizes bigger in your wardrobe for those 'gluten baby' days...
That coeliac is a minor problem to what I might have! Formaldehyde Allergy, I did read somewhere that they used to spray wheat with formaldehyde to stop it rotting.
pretender, my husband grows wheat and I can assure you that once his wheat is harvested, it is stored in the barn where all that happens to it is that he has to check the temperature to ensure it doesn't get too hot. It goes off in batches to the processing plants so they don't store it. Storing wheat is done on the farms where it grows as a rule because of the sheer cost of storage elsewhere. He harvests his wheat in july/august and it is gradually taken away by the start of March.
Its those medics who are telling you.."don't"..that have no understanding of the realities of the situation.
Yes, they may try living G/F for a week...for the novelty effect or publicity in a journal.
We know that longer term...its a wee bit more difficult.
My favourite has to be the Diabetes nurse at a local medical facility...who is highly critical of my waist...(I refuse to be measured).when she is not exactly bean stalk thin herself...and has to be a lot more than 20st...Dont do as I do..do as I tell you...
...that making your own food tastes so much better that the junk I'd been eating prior to diagnosis either ready made or eating out. My diet is so much healthier that it used to be, and much tastier.
That it is not going to be a quick fix, the damage gas been done over time and it is going to take time to heal. Going GF may not be enough, your body may need help via supplements so make sure you get blood tests for iron/vit D etc.

Lots of good points!