I have been diagnosed 5 months after over 2 years bad symptoms. I was quite happy to be informed that it was ok to drink red wine as this is my favourite tipple. However it seems that everytime I have do have a drink I am rushing to the toilet, I have also had leaky gut.
Does anybody else have a problem when... - Gluten Free Guerr...
Does anybody else have a problem when drinking red wine

Most Coeliacs have leaky gut due to the villi damage upon diagnosis. Red Wine can cause problems for anyone with any stomach problems as alcohol is an irritant to the stomach lining and will cause more stomach acid. Plus it's important to remember that most wines are very highly processed and include many chemicals that can irritate the body. Some wines cause me stomach problems (even on just two glasses) and I get covered in a red rash across my face, neck and shoulders and overheat. Others are fine.
You could try searching for 'natural wines', buying Organic and Fairtrade wines and seeing if you notice a difference.
It's also worth discussing this with your dietitian at your next Coeliac check-up to rule out other causes.
There was a discussion about this some time ago
I find I can drink a little white wine but not red.
hiya i was diagnosed 18months ago and found i carnt drink red wine only white also no vodka or rum and cloudy pop so stay away from those i have tried rose wine and that is ok
We buy lambrusco Rose it is only 4% and very tasty...no problems at all.
Red is no god for me at all.
Hi lessan, I often find that red wine gives me a red flush around my neck, cheeks and upper chest. I must admit I do still drink it (max 2 glasses at a time). It doesn't send me to the loo. I have Dermatitis Herpetiformis and when I first went gluten free I felt that some red wines (Australian ones in particular) made me itch. I have tried some since (it's now about 14 months later, and it seems ok. It could be that you might just need to rest off the red wine for a little while? And then try it again in small amounts and see how you get on? Just an idea! Good luck!
I too can tolerate White wine, less rose (2 glasses max) and NO red
Have learnt to appreciate white wine though, there is far more out there than Pinot G and Chardonnay!
Yes red wine sends me to the loo, sadly. White wine Ok but it does really aggravate my acid reflux if I have more than one glass. It's interesting to hear that others have the same problem...thought it was just me!
I can no longer drink red wine. I've probably drunk two bottles during the last 5 years and thrown them both up! It really doesn't agree with me any more. I now drink gin and don't seem to have a problem with that - in fact I probably drink far too much of it!
I don't know if this was a first reaction, but way back about 35 years ago, I tried drinking red wine, and after just a few swallows I got bad headaches....I don't drink now, but about 15 years ago I tried wine coolers, and they were ok.....I have just, in the last year, had more symptoms that confused DRs, and then in Nov, it hit the fan...it became obvious that it was gluten caused...will be having my biopsies in mid March...so am eating gluten now in preparation of that....my suggestion is that you try everything, if it bothers you then eliminate it....
Wine doesn't agree with me. I always regret it if I have a glass (esp red) as I get joint pain and a tummy ache.
Hi all i drink red wine usually and the one i get is three mills from asda they also do it in white and rose and it is labeled g/f on the back of the bottle cheap price at moment 2.48 a bottle not cheap tasting though and i have no probs with it