My Dietician recommended using the above, which I then got on prescription & they are really strong probiotics.
Once received, I was reluctant to use them as they contained minute traces of gluten, dairy & soya - all things I was avoiding! However, after being glutened at Xmas & 'dairied' a few weeks ago, I have been struggling to get back to normal & I decided, I would try the probiotics. I have just been using half the recommended dose for the last 2 weeks & I have to say it is working wonders with no bad reactions!!
I had been reading some research on the internet about an imbalance of good/bad gut bacteria (& I know I have a bad imbalance as I got tested) & so I am hoping this over time may well help improve things dramatically.
Has anyone else had any experience with VSL or really strong probiotics (had used non prescription ones before, but they didn't seem to make much difference), or have had any experience with too many bad gut bacteria?
It makes you wonder, whether something as simple as this imbalance over a along period of time, is causing all our problems?
(Or am I just hoping that once on a really strong regime for several months, I can get back onto dairy & gluten & get back to normal - I can but dream I suppose!!