Does anybody know about starch allergy i am on gluton free diet , but a lot of bread has starch instead and it gives me bad side effects
starch: Does anybody know about starch... - Gluten Free Guerr...

Hi Lizz, are you talking about prescription bread made with codex wheat starch? Because this is wheat that has had the bulk of the gluten washed out but it is still wheat and can contain traces of gluten below 20ppm and not all coeliac can tolerate it.
So I'd try wheat free prescription breads if this is the case, the prescription manufacturers often use the term 'select' to indicate codex wheat. They will also tell you which of their products are gluten and wheat free.

Thanks for your intrest sorry did'nt reply till now been away. but ive never been able to have anything with starch even ;medication most enculed it I can'nt seem to digest it and since avoiding it my whole being is much better no bloating lost 7kgs and I'm feeling much better but the only bread that does'nt effect me is the Marks and Spencer seaded bread'

The only bread I can tolorate the seeded bread from marks and spencer even most prescription have starch that includes medication and tablets also pills , I have also tried nut bread and that was ok but can't get it anywhere except in america ive just got back from there las vagus
Would that include starch in potatoes? My stomach always feels more tender/bloated the day after eating a jacket or mash potato. Not sure if that is the same thing?
yes if you put the potatoes in water and you can see the starch leave to soak and rinse the water is white ugg
Just wondering do you like me add butter and/or cheese to mash or jacket potatoes? I'm ok with dairy but are you? Apologies if this a daft response.
No potatoes are totally gluten free. I'm on a super sensitive coeliac diet and even I can eat potatoes and rice
'Starchy' foods such as white rice, potatoes and processed grains (even gluten free ones) trigger inflammation in the cells of the body. If you already have a gluten sensitivity or allergy, this inflammation has contributed to your condition by inflaming the walls of your intestine and possibly other parts of your body. Many people with gluten sensitivities will find that these other 'starchy' foods will also give them side effects. In fact, I would go so far to say that even if you don't notice side effects, they will be damaging your gut and compromising your healing process.
I would advise to reduce or preferably eliminate all these starchy carbohydrates from your diet, at least for a while to give your body a chance to heal. There are still many many alternatives to these foods that are not only healthier but will help to heal your gut damage, but it does take a mindset shift.away from the foods we are so familiar with.
Also, bear in mind that gluten free breads especially have high amounts of additives, salts, sugars, etc. All of which will contribute to your gut inflammation.
I hope that helps,
Thanks for you usefull info sorry did'nt reply till now been away please look at jerrys post bye4now
Thanks Andrea very useful info sorry did'nt reply before but just back from america and the nut bread was ok over there but can't get it over here , also the Marks seeded bread seems ok it also has golden linsead which helps your digestive system
Interesting stuff. I didn't realise that and thought I must just have eaten more than normal, etc. Thanks for your reply. I'll try to leave out starch but any suggestions about a carbohydrate instead of potato?
I found that after doing the FODMAP elimination diet i could increase amounts of potato and GF bread considerably, so it might be an idea to eliminate any starchy food for two months. I still find that corn/maize/polenta especially cornflour (98% resistant starch) are troublesome. I discovered that boiling rice or rice pasta (cannot have maize/rice pasta) and discarding the starchy water also helps considerably. I suppose that doing the same with potato might help. Butternut squash is a good substitute for potato and that doesn't hurt me. I would think that parsnip and sweet potato would be as bad as potato is. I found that the majority of rice products were ok including rice cakes or crackers. Hope this helps.
Depends which starch give worst side effects. Maize, rice,tapioca, millet flour. Was trying to cut down on corn, then looked at bread and main starch was maize ,thats dietary special. Looked at LIvwell bread and tapioca is main starch. All bread will have starch of some sort. Takes some sorting out over time.
jJust to say thands for all the response i've been away and will get back to answer soom please read Jerrys last two weeks ago