I haven't done anything differently, such as changed my diet or laundry detergent or body wash. The rash started about 5 days ago, and I've tried anti-itch cream and Hydrocortizone. My doctor prescribed me a stronger Hydrocortizone cream that I'm going to pick up from the pharmacy today. It's spread a bit farther around my elbows, but not a whole lot...I'm wondering if it may be due to a Gluten allergy. My grandmother has Celiac Disease and I know it's hereditary. Could that be it?
I have developed an extremely itchy r... - Gluten Free Guerr...
I have developed an extremely itchy rash on just my elbows. I haven't been eating anything different, or changed my laundry detergent.

It might....It could be DH which is caused by eating gluten. I know that if I eat anything I shouldn't then my DH is the first thing to flare up and then it can take up to 6 weeks of being completely gluten free for it to go away. DH can be diagnosed by taking a biopsy from it. Steroid cream will ease it a little but if it DH, then eating a normal diet will ensure it won't go away. Usually DH is small blisterlike spots and symmetrical. Might be worth a further chat with your doc and ask if you could have some tests.

Ok, thank you! I'll look into it.

It started out as flesh-colored bumps that were itchy, then the more I itched it, it got red and more irritated.

What is DH?
Try the steroid cream and if that totally sorts it, then it isn't DH. If it doesn't, then go back to your docs. Hope it gets sorted one way or the other x
DH is dermatitis herpetiformis which is a skin reaction to gluten

inspiredfa - although you may not have changed your usual products it could be likely that the manufacturer has! It's quite often the case that soap products are changed and it may not be apparent. In the first instance I would exclude any products that are 'biological' and stick to plain natural soap products.
What has your doctor suggested? Did he tell you to use the cream for a period of time and then return if no improvement? If this is the case and you find you are no further forward, even after using the cream and removing any harsh products, then have the DH conversation with your GP and see if he will arrange for you to have a biopsy.
If the itching is driving you mad and you find it difficult not to scratch, consider taking some antihistamines to help with the itch.
My doc said to try the Cortizone cream and see how that works, when I pick it up I'll ask the pharmacist how long it should take to see improvement. I have tried taking an antihistamine, it hasn't helped.
You have a good point about the products, I'll have to keep an eye on that. I haven't bought anything new in a while though, been using the same stuff out of the same bottle.
The cortizone I got over the counter helps a bit. Sometimes it doesn't itch for hours, and sometimes it bugs me all day. The skin isn't dry or flaky, it's just bumpy and itchy. I haven't been able to find anything online that is similar to it yet. I'll have to wait and see how the prescription works. Thanks for the advice
Will you please let me know if you were able to find a solution to your itchy rashes. I have a similar problem now where my skin isn't dry but rashes that are bumpy and itchy appeared all of a sudden (3 months now). Doctor did allergy tests and since I'm mildly sensitive to dairy, chicken, eggs, cats, dogs, and dust, I've stayed away from those foods and animals. The rashes still persist with temporary relief from cortisone creams and antihistamines. I'm hoping you found a true remedy!
My husband is CD. My eldest son has the same as you describe, on the base of his neck where it joins the shoulders, inside of his elbows, top of his feet under the ankle. Sometimes it drives him crazy, but is not consistent with his diet, but we have now pin pointed it to stress and anxiety. He now keeps a diary .
Hi there - I have CD and DH which is a very itchy rash which blisters. I have it across my elbows, knees, buttocks and shoulders! the latest batch arose after eating an ASDA GF/WF pizza base!! It has taken 5 weeks and it is only starting to clear now. Heavy duty steriod cream and antihistamines seem to be helping. If you go to your doctor, be prepared for him not to know what it is and ask to see a dermatologist who will take blood samples and a skin biopsy. Good luck - and beware chocolates!!
I started the prescription yesterday and I have noticed a huge difference! So, I'm hoping that takes care of it. Thanks for all the advice!
If it's not DH, and it's likely you do have coeliac disease (CD), it might be psoriasis. Although it's not (as far as I'm aware) related to CD, they're both auto-immune diseases - and it's believed that if you have an auto-immune disease, you're more prone to having others (eg type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, MS), especially if your CD is undiagnosed or untreated.
It's worth doing a bit of research into both DH and psoriasis to see if your symptoms mirror either of these. Good luck!
i have the same thing but i'm not allergic to anything and it hasn't spread i think its kinda going away though i used antibiotic cream on it.. i haven't messed with it other than put the stuff on it
I am recently going through this as well. I am concerned I may have celiac disease and the DH rash. I had a skin biopsy done Friday. They have me steroid cream that has barely alleviated the itch. During exam they said DHtends to present more as blisters, however I don't see small blisters.