Hiya i av suffered with anxiety since feb just been diagnosed with coleac where do i start
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My best advice is to make a list of all the food you can still eat. There are loads. Go onto every manufacturer of GF foods and sign up for their samples so that you can then find other stuff to eat. And on sites like this and the coeliac UK one, ask any questions you can think of. No question is too daft and someone will probably have an answer or something for you to try or even just a sympathetic ear. We all remember the early stages and it is hard to adjust to a new way of life (actually I think the hardest is to get others to adapt to your new way of life) Sign up to coeliac Uk and get their food and drink directory which is very useful. Use peoples advice and above all go with what suits your body because we are all individual and even with CD what one person is ok with another might not be. Good luck x
Hi there
Start simple with the natural gluten free foods. Meat, fish, veg, fruit, rice, quinoa, potatoes, salads, beans, lentils. If you can tolerate it a little cheese, yoghurt, milk. Add in slowly the gf foods you find like cereals, breads and pasta to see which suit you best. Try to pick things without codex wheat or barley malt. In the first few months I found it easier to keep it really simple and to cook for myself. Make sure you have separate butter and Jams. Also make sure you have separate utensils and pots and toaster and tell everyone in the house about cross contamination. Once you stop eating gluten even very small amounts can make you feel very ill. Hope this helps.
Can i start gf diet before iv seen gastro
If you are waiting to have a biopsy done then you need to keep eating gluten otherwise you risk getting a false result...your damage will have started to heal and not be found.

natty1982 - in your initial question you say that you've just been diagnosed with Coeliac Disease. Was this via a blood test and are you still waiting for an endoscopy/biopsy or has this already been done?
Docs said i dont need a biopsy but i rrad somwhere u av too av some sort of test
I had the blood test

Your doc is sending you to the Gastro is this for further tests? Rarely a GP will go with the positive blood test result but generally they do like you to have the endoscopy to see the extent of the damage and to take biopsies for a gold standard diagnosis.
Some GPs won't allow you to obtain gluten free foods on prescription unless you've had the endoscopy diagnosis. Did your GP explain why he is sending you to the Gastro?
i was diagnosed 18months ago and my doc sent me 4 a biopsy witch i think you will have to have and i have my foods on perscription well some good luck
I ad read about it because my doctor is rubbish and i read u av to go for biopay i asked him he said no will find out wen i go 28 november
Has he diagnosed on the basis of a rash? (Am I correct in thinking that a diagnosis of DH means you don't need a biopsy?)
No i have sufferwd servere axiety and they ad dun all the tests they cud then they said we will do another test which was coeliac and anemia and iron coeliac came bck postive