Has anyone had a reaction after drinking OJ?
I've just had some Sainsbury's own label OJ and feel like I've been glutened! The pack just states 'OJ from concentrate' in the ingredients list.
I'm confused!
Has anyone had a reaction after drinking OJ?
I've just had some Sainsbury's own label OJ and feel like I've been glutened! The pack just states 'OJ from concentrate' in the ingredients list.
I'm confused!
Some people can't tolerate concentrate as that can set off their adrenals and they overload on fructose. That's not necessarily a coeliac issue but you can discuss it with your Dr. Innocent do nice OJ not made from concentrate you could try that and see if you feel better instead.
Hi Fiona,
Thanks for replying.
Tbh I never normally drink juice from concentrate as I've heard it's not good for you but my husband bought it and I took a chance on it being ok.
The more I stay away from the " nasties" the worse it seems to be for me if I do ingest something I shouldn't.
As a matter of interest, just how does concentrate "set off" the adrenals? I have been on steroids (for an autoimmune condition) for 3.5 yrs (now off them) could this be influential in some way?
Great will look out for onnocent OJ.
Citrus fruits are allowed on a Fructose Malabsorption restricted diet (FODMAPs). This is a diet advised for some IBS sufferers.
On a separate issue, too much of any sugar (fructose included) can affect the insulin/ adrenal system and can cause a spike then immediate drop in blood glucose. This would not cause glutening bowel symptoms, rather ongoing migraine (over days), extreme fatigue, palpitations, sweating and trembling.
hi am the same can only drink apple juice and cranberry juice
i cannot drink tropicana orange juice don'nt know why but get rash and feel like i have been glutened too!
I wonder what sort of glue is used on the carton.